Sunday Night Open Puts Gold & Silver On Sale - But There's A Problem

By Which exposes all to see that USD/JPY is the currency trade used to smash the metals / October 22, 2017 / / Article Link

Gold & silver appear OVERSOLD to open Sunday night. Take a look at these charts...

To open the Sunday evening trading session.

Gold & silver are severely oversold:

But to open. Wow. Here's silver:

Silver was hit, but gold. Ouch:

If the beatings will continue until morale improves, that's a problem for the cartel.

This morale is unbreakable because palladium is not buying the smash:

Which exposes all to see that USD/JPY is the currency trade used to smash the metals.

Now that "Abe" is the man and what not.

The Japanese might want to re-think their allegiances, because they have, for now, chosen to go down with the ship:

Copper and crude, however, are not buying the smashing. It is interesting to note that Jason Burack just said that "copper" is the main catalyst for smashing the silver price.

For now, however, copper is basically left alone and crude is actually up into the open:

It is in fact pressured, but not subject to the same heavy-handedness of outright market manipulation like gold & silver.

Or even the GDX.

What's the bottom line?

This Sunday precious metals price suppression scheme means that we can all buy more physical gold and silver for each debt-based fiat currency unit we own than we otherwise would have been able to buy.

Stack accordingly...

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