RAPAPORT... The Lab Grown Diamond Council (LGDC) will create the firstsustainability certification mark for synthetic diamonds to reassureconsumers their stones have met rigorous environmental and social standards, the newly-established trade group said. "Our mission is to create increased market clarity about thebenefit of lab-grown diamonds," LGDC chairman Michael Barlerin explained Wednesday. "Thisis a giant step in that process." The new standard will address environmental stewardship,social responsibility and economic viability. It will also establish a climate-neutralitybenchmark goal for participating companies, the LGDC noted. Before approving certification, the LGDC, together withthird-party certifier and standards developer SCS Global Services, willconduct a comprehensive assessment of the lab-grown production process. Thatprocedure will include compliance auditing, diamond testing and traceability. Oncethe process is completed, qualifying synthetics businesses will be issued an SCSSustainably Grown Diamond certification mark. "As consumers increasingly choose lab-grown diamonds, theywant to be sure that their choices match their values," said Stanley Mathuram,vice president of SCS. "Certification to the Sustainably Grown Diamond standardwill provide the scientifically robust reassurance that consumers are lookingfor, demonstrating company performance in meeting rigorous environmental andsocial requirements." Certified companies can use the Sustainably Grown Diamondlabel to market their products to consumers, as well as in communications withthe trade. The LGDC expects to begin the certification process by the startof 2020, it added. Image: Lab-grown High-Pressure High-Temperature (HPHT) diamonds. (Ludvig 14)