Trading Stocks As Hyped By The Gold & Silver "Advocates" Versus "Welfare" Investing

May 23, 2022 / / Article Link

It's not like one of these things is not like the other, or that one of these things is totally different, but in addition to being a gazillion times better...

(by Half Dollar) I've been called many things throughout the years, and a week or so ago I was called a "Welfare Investor".


First things first: I am not on SNAP, EBT, Food Stamps, or whatever else the government is currently calling its various food handout welfare programs.

Of course, I would be on food handout welfare if I could be, because it is Joe Deplorable's duty to engage in anything and everything that quickens the economic collapse of America and speeds up the ultimate rejection of the US dollar, things that will not just benefit America as a whole, assuming there's a chance to save her, but things that will benefit all of humanity, really, so doing one's part to assist in a rapid financial demise of these "United" States results in far less human suffering, both at home and around the world, which means much less overall Economic Misery and Financial Ruin for everyone, which is in fact a good thing, but I'm pretty sure I make too much money to qualify for government food assistance, so I must look for other ways to do my thing.

Which is the right thing to do.

The ethical thing.

The just thing.

The moral thing.

Or something.

Civil Unrest And General Restlessness Side Note: I live in a small town in Ohio (check out this recent deep dive on America's Spring/Summer 2022 housing market crisis here), and a quick Google search informs me the "median household income" in my town is $89,223, which I guess is pretty good, but regardless, in what appears to be an "affluent" town, the school district has handed out breakfasts, lunches, and who knows what else in the form of "free" food assistance, to all students in the district, including to my own kids, in spite of income and without the need for filling out an application, submitting paperwork or merely asking to participate, ever since the Zombie Apocalypse began more than two years ago, but as far as I can tell, that "free lunch" for all kids in all of America, literally, is coming to an abrupt end just as soon as the school year ends, and that's like, imminent, which means unless the government, through the USDA, extends the food handouts or comes up with a new Feeding America's Kids Over The Summer And Into Eternity program, there will be an added dimension of Federal Government program-induced "food insecurity" this summer that nobody is even talking about, and that's kind of like adding fuel to the fire.

Back to the point: I wouldn't call what I do "welfare" investing, but by all means, any person who is actually on food handout welfare and wants to invest some of those dollars should really be buying as much of this as they can:

No pun intended.

Because with only two ingredients, a 5-year stated shelf "life", a decent price and socio-economic uncertainty as far as the eye can see, buying delicious Keystone canned meats from Walmart specifically or buying quality canned meats at a good price from anywhere in general seems like a great investment to me.

But I digress.

I actually called this type of investing something very specific in January of this year:

I called it "Ultra-Value, Real World Hyperinflation Investing".

There's a difference.

And when I wrote that article just four months ago, the price of Zote soap at Walmart was $1.26.

That $1.26 price represented a 20% year-over-year gain from when I said "buy Zote soap" in January of 2021:

That article is still quite timely, by the way.

As is the US dollar still strong if not getting stronger, the supply chains still disrupted and turning Venezuelan, international relations still precariously shaky and uncomfortably uneasy, the price of fuel still off the charts and becoming downright painful, and, ahh, nevermind.

There's a reason this type of investing could also be called "common sense investing", you know.

But here's the real kicker, as shown in this screenshot I took from Walmart just today, so see if you can spot it:

The price for Zote soap has gone up another 30% in just four months.

Four months!

Which brings me to the main point of my article: Value investing.

You see, Zote soap is real, and by "real", I mean, it's an actual durable, quantifiable, useful thing.

Zote soap has value, and when any valuable thing happens to be cheap in price, when putting price and value together, with the end result of making a purchase, that's what we call "value investing".

In other words, Zote soap is an actual investable thing for many reasons, including fixed weights and measures, similar to those 6-ounce, vacuum-sealed bricks of 100% pure coffee I have recommended smart people to buy.

Or like a silver coin.

Said differently, much like a silver coin can be one ounce of .999 fine silver, the Zote soap I have are all each individually-wrapped 400-gram bars of 66% fatty acid.


I recommended buying Zote soap at $1.06 in January of 2021, only to see a 20% return on my "no-brainer" investment over the course of a year, and now, I have seen another 30% return in just a few short months since I last wrote about The Product That's Way More Than Just Soap!

Which brings me to the important point about the main point of my article: Worthless stocks.

Worthless stocks are not like bricks of coffee, or cans of beef, or bars of soap, or anything else that's real, but rather, worthless stocks, which will soon be all stocks, especially the penny stocks, the "speculative" stocks, and the mining stocks, including the so-called "majors", "juniors", and "explorers", as pumped by the Gold & Silver "Advocates", are, at best, games that a Gambler can spend his or her dollars on in the Rigged Casino.

Indeed, the Fakes, Frauds, Phonies and Worse do not want you to read this:

Although every person who "trades" or "invests" one single dollar or more in the "market" should.

Notice I did not say "money":

Because if you are an American, it's not even a choice.

Starve the Beast...

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