Unlocking The Next Stage Of The Hydrogen Boom / Commodities / Energy Resources

By Submissions / June 23, 2021 / www.marketoracle.co.uk / Article Link

CommoditiesWe’re already in the middle of a hydrogen boom. It’s projected to become a $175-billion market in just five years … and anunimaginable $11 trillion by 2050.

But there’s a parallel boom that may be even more lucrative forinvestors …

It goes hand-in-hand with hydrogen, yet it’s safer and moreefficient to store in large quantities.  

It could absolutely trounce lithium.

And it’s projected to top $81 billion … by2025.

It’s another green energy machine that could come to dominate everything fromagriculture and heavy industry to transport … and even energy.

You’ve heard of it many times … even though it is the best-keptenergy secret in the investment world right now.

It’s ammonia (NH3) ... a colorless gas composed of nitrogen andhydrogen atoms. But now, it’s green, and that makes it -- along with hydrogen --the superfuel of our new energy economy.

It’s nearly twice as energy dense as hydrogenand has 9 times the energy capacity of lithium-ion batteries.

If you thought ammonia was just for fertilizer, think again.

It can be stored as a liquid or burned in an engine. It can powera generator, or even a gas turbine.

It may be the second time ammonia saves theworld. The first time was 100 yearsago, when “blue ammonia” became the key ingredient for fertilizer and saved arapidly expanding global population from starvation.

This time around, it’s green, and many experts predict it’s going to save the climate.

And the small-cap company that’s set out to do it is a pioneer inthis space, whose $120-million market cap suggests the secret of this industryhas yet to reach the masses.

The hydrogen space is crowded with companies and the initial hypehas already made investors massive returns…

This crowd will soon catch on to the opportunity emerging in greenammonia where there is far less competition and far less investor interest…  for now…

Ammonia blows hydrogen away in terms of logistics, and it doesn’thave the same operational bottlenecks.  
And unlike the hydrogen space, the market isn’t crowded – at leastnot yet. Right now there is one small-cap company that could end up being thenext PlugPower (NASDAQ: PLUG) of green ammonia.

First-mover AmmPower Corp.  (CSE:AMMP; OTC:AMMPF) is pioneering green ammonia and this could be one of the biggestback-door disruptors we’ve seen in the energy space in years.

AmmPower’s Answer to the EnergyTransition

AmmPower isn’t just looking to produce ammonia …

It’s pioneering multiple proprietary technologies for theproduction and storage of green ammonia.

And it’s making a huge logistics play on top of it. This isn’tjust green ammonia superfuel, it’s a flexible solution (with several potentialuse cases), which limits risk and strengthens cost-effectiveness, efficiencyand ability to scale. AmmPower is building modular, scalable, stackable greenammonia-producing units that target major markets

It targets the $83.5-billion fertilizer market, for starters.

It also targets the $14 trillion global transportation and logistics industry,with a particular focus on the fast-changing marine industry, where ammoniatankers have already set sail to reduce emissions. Over 120 global portsalready accept ammonia currently, and tons of money is being poured into more.

And it’s targeting the fuel industry at large.

Right now, AmmPower (CSE:AMMP; OTC:AMMPF) is inthe process of securing a state-of-the-art manufacturingfacility in Michigan that aims to have large-scale production capabilities aswell as R&D space and physical expansion potential:

PhaseI units will produce up to 1 ton of green ammonia per dayPhaseII unites will produce up to 25 tons a day

By 2022, AmmPower expects todeliver its first production units and ramp up production to facility capacity. Prototype units will be ready by end-of-year2021.

Green Ammonia: The New LNG, The NewHydrogen

Just a couple of years ago, we all thought LNG would be the thingto power the shipping industry. We were wrong. Everything’s moving so fast. Now, even the World Bank has ditchedLNG as the new marine transport fuel. Instead,it’s calling for hydrogen and ammonia to rule the seas.

That’s because now we have the potential to produce both “green”and “blue” hydrogen and ammonia.

But ammonia has several advantages over hydrogen, despite the hypeto the contrary. Green ammonia can be “cracked”(decomposed) into hydrogen (H2) and nitrogen (N2), and is much easier to storeand ship long distances (stable at minus 33 degrees celsius as opposed tohydrogen’s minus 253 degrees celsius.

Ammonia is the world’s new superfuel for a good reason.

“Since the molecule is NH3 [1 nitrogen, 3 hydrogen] it’s a goodcarrier of hydrogen, so you can transport it quite easily. The temperature tokeep it liquid is minus 33 degrees celsius, while hydrogen needs minus 253degrees celsius. So it’s much easier to transport hydrogen as ammonia and thentransform it back,” says former NASA scientist Gary Benninger, the founder andCEO of AmmPower. 

“When the ammonia comes out, you crack it to transform it back tohydrogen. That makes ammonia part of the hydrogen world, but its value goes farbeyond that. For the massive shipping industry, ammonia is becoming thepreferred fuel. Companies are now building ships that will run on ammonia andothers are retrofitting ships to work with it,” he says.
“It’s a multi-billion-dollar opportunity … just in this one sector[green ammonia].”

MAN Energy & Samsung Heavy Industries areworking to develop the first ammonia-fueled oil tanker by 2024.

Viking Energy is set to unleash the first vessel powered byammonia fuel cells.

And all of the world’s major ports are already gearing up for this massive sea of change in the $14 trillion dollar shipping industry. Some 120 ports around the world already haveammonia trading facilities – with more on the way.

And AmmPower (CSE:AMMP; OTC:AMMPF), guided by a former NASA research scientist with a big businesstrack record, is on the front line of this superfuel tipping point.

Seriously Undervalued in TheBiggest Breakout Energy Space

Everything points to an extremely undervalued company in a space thatseems poised to absolutely explode.

AmmPower has just a $120-million market cap…

Yet, it’s pioneering proprietary green ammoniaproduction in a market that is expected to top $81billion by 2025.

That’s a company that could be worth multiples more than its current market capin a short period of time.

Nothing gets investors bigger returns than a small-cap companythat is a first-mover in a market heading at breakneck speed toward $81 billion… and in a sector—clean energy--that is undergoing a fast-paced,multi-trillion-dollar transition.
In year one, AmmPower already expects to beseeing 30% margins. By year 4, those margins are expected to top 62%. Thatspeaks volumes toward real valuation.
AmmPowersees such big opportunity in the maritime space, they recently announced thecreation of “AMC” – AmmPower Marine Corp., to specifically focus onopportunities in that sector.
It’s hard to get in on the ground floor of the hydrogen boom. Theground floor was gone amid all the hype before it became a reality. Ammonia isdifferent. It ticks all the boxes. It’s safer to transport, and it’s abrilliant zero-carbon solution.

AmmPower (CSE:AMMP; OTC:AMMPF) appears to have cracked the greenammonia code, with a former NASA scientist at the helm, in a market hurtling toward $80 billion. It’s notlikely to be undervalued to this extent for long--not in this no-holds-barredenergy transition period. Wall Street hasn’t caught on yet. It’s still chasinghydrogen. That will change. Soon.

By: Spencer Dunning


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