Stocks in Dubai crashed 6.5% on Sunday. This was the biggest drop in four months and brings the Dubai Financial Market General Index to its lowest level since July 20, according to Bloomberg. Dubai, which like many Middle East exchanges is open from Sunday to Thursday, led a broad sell-off in Middle East stocks, as markets in Israel, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia also sold off on Sunday. – Business Insider
Dominant Social Theme: This is the best of times and the worst of times for stocks. But the market is an inscrutable device – and always goes up sooner or later.
Free-Market Analysis: Dubai crashed as of this writing and perhaps on Monday Wall Street and Europe will do the same. If a crash is successfully averted, next week and the week after offer similar opportunities.
Regardless … as we wrote last week, this is a central bank controlled market more than ever – and ultimately central bankers and globalist manipulators will have a good deal of impact on its fate. If a crash is not controllable, then one might expect "controllers" to busily begin maneuvering to support the markets once more.
After the 1987 Crash, the "plunge protection team" began its work in the US alongside the Fed, and though it took a few years, the market gradually rebounded significantly, giving way finally to the tremendous tech bubble. There was no explanation for the selloff that we could discover in 1987, but in any event it didn't persist.
It could be that when there is an overwhelming tide of selling from non-institutional market participants, the market is less controllable (even these days) from a standpoint of the averages. If this is so, then no matter the controlled stabilization and buying, it would take a while to recover.
Perhaps that's what happened in the Middle East on Sunday. Here's more:
Hisham Khairy, the Dubai-based head of institutional trade at Mena Corp. Financial Services, told Bloomberg that, "Global markets are all selling off and it's that weakness we're tracking. There's still more blood to come."
Last week, US stocks fell more than 2.5% across the board, with the S&P 500 falling 3.1% and the Nasdaq losing more than 4%. And so after last week's ugly action, markets around the world still look unsettled; US futures trading opens at 6 p.m. ET.
Through the past six years at least, various regulatory and monetary events have driven marts relentlessly higher, not only in the US but in the West generally as well as in Asia. This upsurge has been endlessly cited as evidence that Western economies are on the rebound. We've documented this by following the "Wall Street Party" meme.
Additionally, we've had success in uncovering many memes including those having to do with Peak Oil, global warming, public banking, etc. Most recently we unearthed the "income inequality" meme. All of these themes benefit internationalism by buttressing state authority. In each case, the "problem" can only be alleviated by massive government solutions.
We see the same sort of paradigm at work with Ebola, which is one reason we're suspicious of mainstream media reporting. The origins and spread of the virus seem obscure if you take the time to peer beneath the surface. And we're not hearing about reportedly effective solutions such as intravenous vitamin C or colloidal silver, or a robot that utilizes xenon gas to create intense UV light that destroys the virus's DNA, already at work in 250 US hospitals.
In other words, given all the government nefariousness revealed in the past 10 years of this Internet era, it doesn't seem so hard to credence the notion that certain governmental and globalist forces would want to encourage an Ebola panic just to reassert the primacy of public health, public vaccine programs and internationalist health solutions.
Which brings us back to stock marts. The Ebola virus has burst into public consciousness in October – and thus has put more pressure on marts at a delicate juncture. We'll see over time how the virus weighs on equity. Certainly, it's another thing that current equity averages have to contend with, which makes its timing at least a bit suspect.
Or is the sell-off in some sense intentional? We've predicted that the Big Blow-off is more likely next year than this. One can see the pieces being put in place for a truly significant event, after all. The advent of ISIS, the recent Ukraine ruckus, the endless, revisionist efforts at creating a "recovery."
But if marts crash hard again on Monday and perhaps in following days as well, then there are two options to consider: The financial system's most powerful players WANTED a crash – or they didn't and it happened anyway.
For those who would discount the option that markets are controlled, we would simply point to credible reports that central banks are directly buying equities and that various plunge protection teams are in place to stem the tide of any significant slump.
During the 1987 crash in the US, specialists were reportedly told to ignore sell orders and the Fed bought stocks and futures via commercial banks. This was all very hush-hush and not much reported in the mainstream media. As there was no Internet then, top-level industry and government maneuvering were not widely explained. But it existed then and continues today.
Our perspective – repeated numerous times – is that a very large crash is imminent, but perhaps not this year. It seems too soon to us, though in previous articles to be sure we never ruled it out.
In any event, we can certainly detect patterns regarding the possibility of a crash so severe it would virtually unravel securities markets. First, it has seemed to us, more cash must be sucked into the market: A boom of impossible proportions must take shape; investors must be convinced that the market is on a one-way journey to the proverbial moon.
If this is the case, if these belief structures are promoted credibly enough, then a significant crash will be (appropriately) psychologically devastating; those who seek considerably enhanced internationalism including a single marketplace, single regulatory authority and, most importantly, a single money system will have their arguments considerably enhanced.
But perhaps there is another scenario, as well. A crash at this juncture over the next week or two would be devastating to the hundreds of millions who are hoping and praying for a recovery that will give them a stable lifestyle again.
If marts are to unravel, if the narrative of "green shoots" is to be obviously undermined, then perhaps the idea is to wage a war of attrition. Instead of moving quickly to establish a new, more globalist structure, perhaps the idea will be to move a bit more slowly, counting on the erosion of hope to create fertile soil for enhanced internationalism.
This also makes sense, though we have not considered it at length in these pages. But the memes of "universal income" and "income inequality" have been fairly well planted, as we've tried hard to document. Even the Occupy movement damning the one percent has been considerably elevated with its emergence in Hong Kong, an occurrence that we were perhaps the first to document (albeit only by a day).
Perhaps Occupy, discredited as it is, is to serve as the launching pad for significant social upheaval. We remember well the rhetoric regarding guillotines that was popularized at the height of the US Occupy movement before the alternative media (and we prominently among them) helped alleviate its credibility.
Beyond its apparent links to George Soros and other internationalists, beyond the despicable zeal to create class warfare, there was as well the ongoing meme of public banking and public central banking. This has been the most contentious meme of all, and one we've been regularly attacked for pointing out.
But nonetheless, if markets collapse sooner than later (perhaps today) we would expect to see the "public banking" proponents soar into view again on platforms in both the alternative and mainstream media. It justifies so much other authoritarianism.
And so … these are some of the possibilities we see. Perhaps they sound "conspiratorial," dear reader, but in fact, in this day and age much has been revealed and the concept of "directed history" – as foreign as it still is to many – seems to be continually operative.
Like you, we will watch and wait; and we hope you are appropriately hedged and diversified if you are involved in markets. Diversification is important: If marts continue to collapse, gold will likely benefit, perhaps considerably.
If marts move down significantly, watch for overt signs that government and central banking officials are battling against the trend. This will be a sign that it is, in a sense, an unplanned occurrence and that there are powerful forces supporting a continuance of a Wall Street Party, even in an attenuated form.
If marts move down significantly and there doesn't appear to be visible pushback, then watch for a significant triggering of the memes and themes we have observed over the past year. If this is the case, prepare for an upsurge in social dissatisfaction and further public involvement in what's left of the private sector. National socialism provides us with the model, unfortunately.
Alternatively, if nothing of real import happens – either this week or through the end of the month – then we would expect a continuance of business-as-usual that will elevate marts and averages a good deal further.
After ThoughtsElite strategies are not always immediately discernible. But market action and globalist statements and reactions over the coming days and weeks should be enlightening. We'll be watching, and you, too.
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