White Rock provides update for zinc project in Alaska

January 01, 1970 / finfeed.com / Article Link

White Rock Minerals Limited (ASX:WRM) has provided anupdate on its plans to conduct a comprehensive exploration program at its 100%owned zinc VMS project at Red Mountain in Alaska.

Personnel crews have begunarriving at the summer field camp, to establish the camp area in preparationfor field operations expected to commence within two weeks. Additional crewsincluding the drillers and the field geological crew will also arrive for thedrilling, geological reconnaissance and geochemical sampling programs.

It is expected that thegeophysics crew (Zonge International) will commence their on-ground work inmid-June.

It is early stages here, so investorsshould seek professional financial advice if considering this stock for theirportfolio.

WRM's exploration for theupcoming field season is planned to include:

Atargeted diamond drilling program aimed at in-fill and expansion of the highgrade maiden Resource,
On-groundorientation EM and possibly geochemistry exploration across the two alreadyidentified deposits,
Regionalapplication of the best geophysics and geochemistry exploration toolsdetermined from the on-ground orientation work, and
Afollow up diamond drilling program on the best of the more than 30 alreadyidentified exploration targets.

The drilling campaign aims toinfill and extend the maiden resource which already has two identified depositsat Dry Creek and West Tundra Flats. The resource base of 16.7Mt at 8.9% ZnEq1includes a high-grade component of 9.1Mt @ 12.9% ZnEq1.

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This drilling followsprevious drilling last completed in the 1990s, which included:

Red mountain historical drill results

Managing Director & CEOof White Rock, Matt Gill commented on the update: "A lot of preparation hasgone into the planning for the commencement of field activities as early aspossible in the 2018 field season. It is great to see all the hard work comingtogether as field crews begin to mobilise with first drilling expected to beunderway within two weeks. There is a real sense of anticipation that theon-ground geochemistry and geophysics teams, combined with drill testing couldyield additional high grade zinc deposits that catapult the project to the nextstage and realise White Rock's aspiration to develop a new mine. This is anexciting time for White Rock."

Red mountain newman creek airstrip

The Newman Creek airstrip and camplocation, with the Red Mountain project to the west.


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