Hey guys so it is officially fall and weather is finally starting to reflect the season. This is the routine i have been using for the past few weeks and so far i love it and i know you all will too. Click the link below and check out there stuff, also i have a coupon code for you guys "Curlyguy10" to save you guys some coins if you decide to purchase!Evenprime link:http://www.evenpri.me?ref=3Other Affiliate Links:Revive Ice Roller by Vanity Planethttp://vpwow.com/curlyiceUse code 'curlyice' for 50% off!Product name: Groove | Rejuvenating Scalp Massager by Vanity PlanetDirect Link: http://vpwow.com/curlyguyUse discount code 'curlyguy' to get 50% off! Originally $40 now $20 with my code.Product name: Flow by Vanity PlanetDirect Link: http://vpwow.com/curlyflowCode: Use discount code 'curlyflow' to get 50% off!Follow me on Instagram & Snapchat: @curlyguy13Email: Curlyguy91@yahoo.com