This article explains the dynamics behind the current crisis in precious metal derivatives, and why it is the observable part of a wider Continue...Read More
In the midst of the ongoing fractures in the paper gold markets that have triggered bullion bank panic from London to New York, forcing Continue...Read More
James "Jim" Grant is an American writer and publisher and the founder of Grant's Interest Rate Observer, a twice-monthly journal of the financial markets. He is the author , most recently, of The Forgotten Depression: 1921: The Crash That Cured Itself. Grant's television appearances include "60 Minutes," "The Charlie Rose Show," Bloomberg TV, CNBC and other well-known financial news sources. His j...Read More
*Editor's Note: The original interview was removed from Gerald's YouTube channel due to audio issues, but I was able to find the interview re-uploaded to a third-party YouTube channel. As soon as Gerald re-posts the interview to his channel I will update his original interview here immediately. Gregory Mannarino started his career working for the securities and trading arm of the now defunct Bear...Read More
The NY Times and other left-wing media outlets have been pushing a conspiracy theory about Trump...Read More
Chinese officials have been claiming the coronavirus epidemic is under control in China. But many cities are going back under lockdown suggesting a second wave of outbreaks.Why does the world know so little about the virus until it's too late? An internal document issued by the Chinese regime, known as Document No. 3 seems to explain."China in Focus" is a new Youtube channel created by NTD to prov...Read More
Good news for all you fitness fanatics out there, your local gym may soon be open. Gyms will be allowed to open "if they adhere to strict physical distancing and sanitation protocols," the plan says.Continue...Read More
Innovative New Gold Forgery and FraudGold forgeries and frauds are nothing new. Consider how back in the ancient world over 2,000 years ago one of the earliest scientists Archimedes was called on to investigate and uncover what turned out to be a gold crown fraud in the Kingdom of Syracuse, Sicily. The difference today is that gold fraud is sometimes more sophisticated and utilizes newer technolo...Read More
To Watch Update #48, CLICK HEREThe lockdowns predicted in yesterday's video update are already starting to happen. Italy, Spain, New Zealand, Northern Ireland, Israel and a growing number of countries are locking down their borders and tightening restrictions on movement. More and more US states & cities are banning public gatherings and forcing closure of non-essential businesses. Rumors of a com...Read More
While the markets continue to slide and gold/silver have been especially hard hit, we may be close to a bottom, at least that's Nick Santiago's take. John and I have been talking about this eventuality for years now. I was almost ready to change the name of my website and podcast, for fear of becoming less relevant. But all that's changed. Preventive prepping can save you great angst if done prope...Read More
Mohamed El-Erian, chief economic advisor at Allianz, joins "Squawk Box" by phone to discuss the markets and the recent action from the Fed to lower interest rates to zero.Mohamed El-Erian is the Chief Economic Adviser of Allianz, a multinational financial services company. He is the former CEO and co-Chief Investment Officer of PIMCO, a global investment firm and one of the world's largest bond fu...Read More
Alasdair Macleod is head of research for GoldMoney. He also runs, a website dedicated to sound money and demystifying finance and economics. He has a background as a stockbroker, banker and economist. Read More
The closures of restaurants, bars, and gatherings is picking up steam. If you absolutely have to be someplace, go now.Continue...Read More
Most of the people I read seem to think pumping money by Central Banks can solve the financial problems but let me remind my readers that the Central Banks pumping unlimited money into the system is what caused the problem. Continue...Read More
Part 1 (part 2 below)Part 2Gregory Mannarino started his financial career working for the securities and trading arm of the now defunct Bear Stearns before the dot-com bubble. He is an active trader of the capital markets and has published several books pertaining to finance, global economics, and equity trading; His most recent book is titled Ultimate Guide To Money and The Markets (free ebook)....Read More
"Each and every one of us has a critical role to play in stopping the spread and transmission of the virus."Continue...Read More
"I know this news will spark concern among Canadians travelling abroad. I want to assure you that our government will not leave you unsupported," he said.Continue...Read More
Fears of deflation are battering the entire commodities complex lower, and precious metals are being caught up in the selling.Continue...Read More
Jim Bianco of Bianco research on the Fed's moves and whether it needs to do more. With CNBC's Brian Sullivan and Fast Money trader Steve Grasso.Jim Bianco is President and Macro Strategist at Bianco Research, L.L.C. Since 1990 Jim's commentaries have offered a unique perspective on the global economy and financial markets. Unencumbered by the biases of traditional Wall Street research, Jim has bui...Read More
Fed finally did what I've been saying they would for years: cut rates to zero with the biggest point cut in history. Powell afraid to call it QE.There are no atheists in foxholes; there are no free-market capitalists in a recession. If we fought WWII with bailouts, like the way we're fighting coronavirus, we'd be speaking German now.Waiting in line for food and toilet paper does not mean business...Read More