Gold Stocks Articles

Martin Armstrong: Are We On The Verge of War?

10/4/20 / Martin Armstrong

I cannot stress enough that our ONLY deterrent against war was the strength of our economy, which everyone relied on to sell products. With this CABAL organizing an economic decline to further their climate Continue...Read More

Martin Armstrong: The COVID-19 Fraud - It's Massive

10/4/20 / Martin Armstrong

This is how our future is utterly destroyed by the corruption inspired by such governmental programs.Continue...Read More

Dr. Anthony Fauci: Americans could eventually carry certificates of immunity to coronavirus

10/4/20 / The Washington Times

"It's one of those things that we talk about when we want to make sure that we know who the vulnerable people Continue...Read More

Golf, handshakes and a Mar-a-Lago conga line: Squandered week highlights Trump's lack of COVID-19 focus

10/4/20 / USA Today

Trump hosted large gatherings at Mar-a-Lago, golfed, attended fundraisers, and disseminated misinformation about the coronavirus and flouted social distancing guidelines known to stem its spread. Continue...Read More

Armed group capitalizing on coronavirus chaos robs two Mexican gold mines

10/4/20 /

"The industry is in a transition stage in its operations in order to adhere to the federal and state government orders, which makes it a vulnerable target for organized crime,"Continue...Read More

Wuhan Rent Protest Shows Unrest Brewing in China After Lockdown

10/4/20 / Yahoo News

The small demonstration illustrates the challenges President Xi and the communists who run China now face in getting millions of people back to work all while preventing a second wave of infections. Continue...Read More

Chris Martenson: Boosting Your Immune System In Defense Against Coronavirus

10/4/20 / Peak Prosperity

As the US approaches the half-million mark of # of people infected with covid-19, Chris shares his personal regimen for keeping his immune system elevated. This is NOT personal medical advice, though Chris shares the research results supportive of his regimen. Meanwhile, the damage to the global economy continues to amplify. In China, half a million companies have closed already. In the US, over 1...Read More

Danielle DiMartino Booth Destroys China - Calls Coronavirus An Act of War

10/4/20 / Valuetainment

Danielle DiMartino Booth is CEO & Chief Strategist for Quill Intelligence LLC, a research and analytics firm. She spent nine years as an advisor to Richard W. Fisher at the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas. Danielle left the Fed in 2015 to found Money Strong, LLC, an economic consulting firm and launched a weekly economic newsletter She is the author of Fed Up: An Insider's Take on Why the Federal...Read More

Danielle DiMartino Booth: Nationalize Everything? 40 Programs Running Off Balance Sheet at the Fed?

10/4/20 / Wall St. For Main St.

During this 40+ minute interview and back and forth discussion, Jason asks Danielle about all of the different bailouts and rules changes that have already happened in the last 4-5 weeks. Danielle says that the Fed has at least 40 different programs currently running, including many with extremely questionable legality. Jason also asks Danielle about Fed special purpose vehicles (SPVs), the Dollar...Read More

Fed Banksters: Enrich the Rich, Screw the People

10/4/20 / Trends Journal

"They're not pumping up the economy, they're pumping up Wall Street."Gerald Celente is a pioneer trend strategist and founder of The Trends Research Institute. He is the author of the national bestseller Trends 2000: How to Prepare for and Profit from the Changes of the 21st Century and publisher of the internationally circulated Trends Journal newsletter. Gerald Celente is a political atheist. Un...Read More

Getting Ready for the Stock Market Retest of Lows - Jim Welsh

10/4/20 / Financial Survival Network

Jim Welsh says get ready for the market retest. Stocks have been heading higher. It's not unusual to a substantial rally after a market crash. We'll see how long it takes to get America back to work. What will people do after the pandemic ends? It will take longer for life to get back to normal than expected. Q1 and Q2 will show awful numbers, but the market has probably factored that in. It will...Read More

Retirements At Risk from Borrowed Bullion ETFs & Sucker Rallies | Nick Barisheff

10/4/20 / Reluctant Preppers

Nick Barisheff, author of "$10,000 Gold" and CEO of Bullion Management Group (,) returns to Liberty and Finance / Reluctant Preppers to report on his latest article warning us that the most popular gold and silver ETFs are built on borrowed bullion, and that extensive modeling of the 2008 market crash and recession and The Great Depression of 1929-1940 reveals that we are likely headi...Read More

Egon von Greyerz - We Are Now In The Final Endgame

10/4/20 / King World News

Continue...Egon von Greyerz is founder and Managing Partner of Matterhorn Asset Management AG & GoldSwitzerland. Since the 1990s Egon von Greyerz has been actively involved with financial investment activities including mergers and acquisitions and asset allocation consultancy for private family funds. This led to the creation of Matterhorn Asset Management, an asset management company based on we...Read More

El-Erian: Coronavirus 'worse than the Great Recession'

10/4/20 / Fox Business

Economist Mohamed El-Erian says this is, by far, the biggest hit to the American economy and the global economy since the Great Depression.Continue...Mohamed El-Erian is the Chief Economic Adviser of Allianz, a multinational financial services company. He is the former CEO and co-Chief Investment Officer of PIMCO, a global investment firm and one of the world's largest bond funds in the world. Dr....Read More

Two thirds of COVID-19 patients improve after Gilead drug

10/4/20 / Reuters

"We look forward to the results of controlled clinical trials to potentially validate these findings," wrote the paper's lead author and director of hospital epidemiology at Cedars-Sinai Medical Continue...Read More

New federal projections show huge spike in coronavirus infections in the summer if current lockdown and social distancing measures are lifted after planned 30 days

10/4/20 / Daily Mail

New US government projections show that a spike in coronavirus infections will happen in the summer if the current lockdown measures are lifted after 30 days as planned. Continue...Read More

40% Of Global Silver Mine Supply Now Offline

10/4/20 / SRSrocco Report

Now that the Peruvian Government announced an extension of the country's state of emergency until April 26th, the Continue...Read More

Doug Casey: The Deep State Crosses Party Lines

10/4/20 / Casey Research

This all started with the Spanish-American War. That was a serious step on the road to the US throwing away its founding principles, and when it started turning into a global empire.Continue...Read More

Recession is coming: Gold prices to hit new record highs - Jim Rickards

10/4/20 / Ameer Rosic

Jim Rickards is a lawyer, investment banker and economist with over thirty years' experience in capital markets. He is currently Chief Global Strategist at Meraglim. He advises the Department of Defense, the U.S. intelligence community, and major hedge funds on global finance, and served as a facilitator of the first ever financial war games conducted by the Pentagon. A frequent guest on financial...Read More

Chris Martenson: Our Authorities' Poor Response To The Coronavirus Is Just Making Things Worse

10/3/20 / Peak Prosperity

To Watch Update #43, CLICK HEREDespite having had more time to prepare, most authorities in the US and EU are responding to the coronavirus spread with such ineffectual and wrong-minded measures that they're just making a terrible situation worse. In today's video, Chris walks through the 'gold standard' process for how a country should act to contain a pandemic like this. How many countries come...Read More

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