Gold Stocks Articles

Jordan Roy-Byrne: What Stage is the Bull Market in?

7/8/20 / The Korelin Economics Report

With gold breaking out again and the stocks, both large and small, moving higher it has everyone wondering just how early stage is this bull market. Jordan Roy-Byrne discussest the significance of these breakouts for the metal and stocks. He discusses whether he thinks this is still the early stages of the bull market and also where he sees value in precious metals stocks.Jordan Roy-Byrne, CMT is...Read More

THE ENDGAME IS HERE - Egon von Greyerz & Ronald-Peter St??ferle

7/8/20 / Gold Switzerland

Ronni St??ferle and Egon von Greyerz meet to talk about current events in the global economy as well as gold. The scene is set - there is a total disconnect between markets and reality, as gold reaches the highest levels in a decade. COVID infects millions, markets crash, unemployment numbers are soaring, companies haemorrhaging cash, and despite all that, stocks are at all-time highs. We had a wa...Read More

Craig Hemke: JP Morgan Will Stop Shorting Silver; When Shorting Stops Silver Pops

7/8/20 / USA Watchdog

"JP Morgan has been accumulating all this silver and shorting against it as a hedge, managing the price and monopolistically controlling it. Now, the COMEX is a delivery vehicle, and people were standing for delivery. JP Morgan was short nearly 6,000 contracts (of silver) on delivery day, and JP Morgan had to deliver (29 million ounces of physical silver). In doing so, they have now reduced their...Read More

Expect A New Bull Run In Gold, Silver, and Cryptocurrency

7/8/20 /

"Without cash moving you can't have hyperinflation."Gregory Mannarino started his career working for the securities and trading arm of the now defunct Bear Stearns before the dot-com bubble. After realizing that working on Wall Street was not like the movies, he moved on to get a medical degree and practiced medicine as a Physician Assistant. He also served in the United States Naval Reserve Medic...Read More

Craig Hemke: People are figuring out what's really happening with the economy

7/8/20 / Financial Survival Network

In this interview Craig Hemke explains what is really happening on the Comex and how it has transitioned it's turned into a delivery market. Craig is looking forward to near record gold prices by the end of 2020 and $20 plus silver. The formula is quite simple, people are figuring out what's really happening with the economy, the Federal Reserve and QE to Infinity. We always knew it was coming and...Read More

Martin Armstrong: The Manual for Tyrants to Take Over

7/8/20 / Armstrong Economics

I do believe if enough people understand this scheme, we can win. What is very clear coming from the computer remains that they will fail and their great dream of a New Green Marxist World Order will implodeContinue...Read More

Fears coronavirus will spark brain damage 'epidemic' as even mild cases cause inflammation

7/8/20 / The Sun

Most of the focus has been on cases and deaths. However, long-term health complications related to COVID-19 are equally as concerning.Continue...Read More

Jason Burack: Fed Audit, Bank Derivatives TIMEBOMB, China Secrets Revealed, MMT

7/8/20 / George Gammon

Jason Burack and George Gammon discuss what's really happening in CHINA (Is is a house of cards), Ron Paul's Fed AUDIT, and markets. They also discuss Jason's "tug o war" theory with the US dollar: What will eventually play out, inflation or deflation? George Edward Gammon is an American real estate investor and entrepreneur. He produces and stars in a popular YouTube Channel. Prior to 2012, Georg...Read More

Andrew Maguire: DOJ Told JP Morgan To Reduce Silver Position (Part 1/2)

7/8/20 / Arcadia Economics

For Part 2 of this interview, CLICK HERELast week the shocking news was that on the first day of the COMEX July silver delivery period, JP Morgan posted 30 million ounces of silver for delivery. Now, Andrew Maguire of Kinesis Money, who's been a key witness in the Departmen to fJustice investigation, reports that JP Morgan was told to by the DOJ to reduce its silver position as they negotiate a se...Read More

Stephen Roach: Pitfalls in a Post-Pandemic World

7/8/20 / Our Hong Kong Foundation

One hour webinar with Professor Stephen Roach...Stephen S. Roach, former Chairman of Morgan Stanley Asia and the firm's chief economist, is a senior fellow at Yale University's Jackson Institute of Global Affairs and a senior lecturer at Yale's School of Management. He the author, most recently, of Unbalanced: The Codependency of America and China and Stephen Roach on the Next Asia: Opportunities...Read More

COVID-19 Vaccines Will Be Mandatory

7/8/20 / Ron Paul Forums

One has only to look at the past decade of the Leftist-Government-Corporate partnership to realize that vaccines will indeed be mandatory. Continue...Read More

COVID-19 antibodies can vanish in weeks, study says. What's it mean for herd immunity?

7/8/20 / The News & Observer

"At present, herd immunity is difficult to achieve without accepting the collateral damage of many deaths in the susceptible population and overburdening of health systems."Continue...Read More

Silver Just Broke Above A Major Level

7/8/20 / FX Empire

Silver broke higher to clear the significant $19 level, which is a huge win for the bulls. Continue...Read More

Rob Kirby: Price Inflation & Shortages Begun (Wholesale Silver Included)

7/7/20 / Silver Doctors

Through overt & covert operations, money creation has exploded to keep the current financial system functioning. This money is chasing around a limited number of goods, and we're already seeing major price increases and shortages, from medicine to wholesale silver...Rob Kirby stopped by Silver Doctors on July 7th, 2020, for a robust discussion on the economy and the markets, with special focus on...Read More

The Markets Are Driving An Extinction Level Event - Mannarino

7/7/20 /

Gregory Mannarino started his career working for the securities and trading arm of the now defunct Bear Stearns before the dot-com bubble. After realizing that working on Wall Street was not like the movies, he moved on to get a medical degree and practiced medicine as a Physician Assistant. He also served in the United States Naval Reserve Medical Service Corps, having attained the rank of Lieute...Read More

Doug Casey: Your Freedoms Are In Peril, Western Civilization is Declining!

7/7/20 / Crush The Street

TOPICS IN THIS INTERVIEW:-Meaningful data vs. irrelevant regarding Covid 19, hysteria is the problem.-The WORST kind of people are running the world.-Stock market is in similar BUBBLE territory as 2000s.-We're in a monetary experiment.-Gold is a good value because the world is on much more dangerous footing.-Gold mines are coining MONEY now. Public will pile into them.-Major bull markets look like...Read More

Covid-19: Vindication! HCQ+ & Ivermectin Work!

7/7/20 / Peak Prosperity

Wow - a lot to cover in today's video update. First: high fives all around for fans of quality science! Our months' long position that hydroxcholorquine+azithromycin+zinc and ivermectin showed strong promise as cheap, effective treatments vs covid-19 now appears to be proven correct. Of course, up until this point, the media has parroted "junk science" talking points designed to malign and vilify...Read More

Rick Rule: This stock bull market will 'end in tears' (Part 1)

7/7/20 / Kitco News

Equities markets are ignoring weak fundamentals, but a rally that is not based on sound macroeconomic growth is likely to be unsustainable, said Rick Rule, president and CEO of Sprott U.S."Bull markets that aren't based on growth and value end in tears. I'm not suggesting, by the way, ten years from now, equity prices won't be higher, even substantially higher. What I'm concerned about is the next...Read More

Peter Sandman: How Your Ability To Process Risk Can Save Your Life

7/7/20 / Peak Prosperity

How much do things around you need to change before you start changing your behavior? Dr. Peter Sandman has made a career out of analyzing people's "adjustment reaction" process. And it turns out, people are wired differently. Some watch the world intently, looking for early indicators of change and reacting swiftly to them. Others prefer not to get distracted by the "small stuff" and only pay att...Read More

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