Gold Stocks Articles

Peter Schiff discusses Tuesday's big stock reversal

4/7/20 / YouTube/PeterSchiff

Topics:Markets overly optimistic that the worst is behind us.Trump keeps his friends close and his enemies closer - gets Kudlow to repudiate everything he spent an entire career advocating.Fed chairs past and present are clueless.RINO DJT joins the ranks of FDR, JFK, and LBJ Dems.Peter Schiff is an internationally recognized economist specializing in the foreign equity, currency and gold markets....Read More

Introducing the Goldback, a paper currency that actually has gold put INSIDE of it

4/7/20 / YouTube/BenSwann

In light of the Fed printing a new $4 Trillion dollars and Congress passing multi-trillion dollar bills, I want to introduce you to the Goldback and Could this currency which isn't just backed by gold but actually has gold inside of it be the answer to creating currency with actual value? To learn more please check out More

Rick Rule: Extraordinary Demand Shock Threatens U.S. Oil Producers

4/7/20 / Sprott Media

Rick Rule, president and CEO of Sprott U.S. Holdings, analyzes the current state of the oil market.Rick Rule, founder and chairman of Sprott Global Resource Investments Ltd., began his career in the securities business in 1974. He is a leading American retail broker specializing in mining, energy, water utilities, forest products and agriculture. His company has built a national reputation on taki...Read More

Debtors Begin Mass Defaults - John Rubino

4/7/20 / Financial Survival Network

Argentina defaults on its debt for a change. Housing market implodes. While many of us working at home haven't felt the full brunt of the quarantine, those who have to go to a physical job there's risk involved. Housing isn't the epicenter of the collapse this time, it's more collateral damage. Houses are not a substitute for savings. Second homes will become a luxury that few can afford. Most peo...Read More

Simon Dixon & Max Keiser discuss the disintegration of the debt-based fiat world

4/7/20 / RT

Max interviews Simon Dixon of about the kind of money being printed and who exactly benefits. They discuss the likelihood of new digital currencies from central banks and governments around the world as the debt-based fiat world disintegrates. Max Keiser is an American broadcaster and film-maker. He hosts Keiser Report, a financial program broadcast on RT. He presents a weekly s...Read More

More People Died Of Suicide Last Week In Tennessee Than COVID-19

4/7/20 / SHTFplan

"The truth is: a sick economy produces sick people."As we previously warned, this pandemic will bankrupt and kill more people from suicide than Continue...Read More

Bix Weir: We are very, very close to the End of the Road

4/7/20 / Road To Roota

So many secrets in the banking world. Where are we? We are very, very CLOSE to the End of the Road!Bix Weir has 30 years' experience in the financial industry with various fortune 500 companies. He is the creator of the "Road to Roota Theory" and his commentary is published at Bix has dedicated his efforts over the last 15 years to exposing the long term manipulation of the go...Read More

Deflation Or Hyperinflation, FDIC... Q&A with Lynette Zang

4/7/20 / ITM Trading

Links to slides and sources: include:1. Lou Anne M: Is the closing of nonessential mom and pop stores considered shock deflation? If so, how long could it stall hyperinflation?2. Ray: What kind of things are we talking about buying with gold when the reset causes gold to go up in terms of fiat? commodities? stocks? commercial real estate? rental re...Read More

STOCKS 1000 Point Gain! GOING.. GOing... gone.... By Gregory Mannarino

4/7/20 /

Gregory Mannarino started his financial career working for the securities and trading arm of the now defunct Bear Stearns before the dot-com bubble. He is an active trader of the capital markets and has published several books pertaining to finance, global economics, and equity trading; His most recent book is titled Ultimate Guide To Money and The Markets (free ebook). Gregory currently hosts a b...Read More

Martin Armstrong: Bill Gates Is A Threat To World Peace

4/7/20 / Armstrong Economics

The most important threat that Bill Gates has done is he has invited war. He has so weakened the economy of the West that he has placed the West in the very same position as the Roman Empire. Continue...Read More

Kudlow Claims Fed Still Has "Ultimate Bazooka"

4/7/20 / Zero Hedge

Kudlow took things a step further by dismissing worries about another drop to new lows by saying the Fed is sitting pretty with what he called - "the ultimate bazooka."Continue...Read More

The Lockdown Wouldn't Be So Devastating If Our Economy Wasn't So Rigged, Brittle and Exploitive

4/7/20 / Of Two Minds

A healthy, resilient economy would be able to survive a few weeks of lockdown without a multi-trillion dollar bailout of every racket in the land. A society that wasn't threadbare financially and Continue...Read More

Jordan Roy-Byrne: gold sector is in position for a lengthy bull run

4/7/20 / The Daily Gold

Over the past 100 years, there have been seven bear markets or crashes of 35% or higher. After or during every decline but one, the gold stocks enjoyed outstanding performance.Continue...Read More

Disorderly Price Increases Coming for Gold & Silver - Craig Hemke

4/7/20 / USA Watchdog

"Gold has already made new highs in all other currencies except the dollar, but that's coming. . . . Gradually, over a period of months, gold is going to go to $2,500 per ounce, and that may be orderly, but there will be a time where it will be disorderly."Known primarily by his nickname "Turd Ferguson," Craig Hemke is the founder and editor of the popular TF Metals Report blog and podcast, coveri...Read More

Trump team creating national coronavirus surveillance system to track Americans

4/7/20 / Politico

9/11 gave us the Patriot Act, and it appears the coronacrisis will give us another bill to steal what little rights we still have left. Continue...Read More

Why This Downturn Will Be as Bad (or Worse) than the Great Depression

4/7/20 / Nestmann

What we're facing in the months and years ahead is unprecedented. It will be a long, slow, and painful slog as we navigate the post-COVID-19 world. While it's never a good idea to panic, the road ahead Continue...Read More

Ted Butler: Silver Poised For An Explosive Move Higher?

4/7/20 / Talk Digital Network

Ted Butler discusses the silver shortage and super crooks manipulating silver.Theodore Butler is an independent silver analyst who has published unique precious metals commentaries on the internet since 1996. He is the head of Butler Research LLC, where he offers a subscription service of weekly commentaries, including detailed analysis of the Commitment of Traders Report, regulatory developments,...Read More

Gerald Celente: Life As We Knew It is Dead

4/7/20 / Trends Journal

"It's the politicians that took advantage of all of this hype."Gerald Celente is a pioneer trend strategist and founder of The Trends Research Institute. He is the author of the national bestseller Trends 2000: How to Prepare for and Profit from the Changes of the 21st Century and publisher of the internationally circulated Trends Journal newsletter. Gerald Celente is a political atheist. Unencumb...Read More

While The Masses Panicked Over A Virus: U.S. House Wrote A Bill That Will Ban "Assault Weapons"

4/7/20 / SHTFplan

While the majority of the country has been laser-focused on the coronavirus, stocking up on decades worth of toilet paper, and mass purchasing Clorox wipes, the United States House of Representative wrote a bill that will ban "assault weapons."Continue...Read More

Paul Craig Roberts: A New World Is Being Born...What Will It Be?

4/7/20 / Institute for Political Economy

Big Pharma sees massive profits in the virus, Government sees more power to control. But the disparity in economic benefits is only a part of it. Powerful vested interests, such as Bill Gates and BigContinue...Read More

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