Jordan feels that the correction in GDX is close to being over. Top to bottom GDX has corrected by 17% over the past month, which is typical and healthy. Gold is gaining relative strength compared to the S&P and silver and will likely hold up at these levels. It's building a tight consolidation that will eventually give way to a much higher move. Jordan can't see anything in the markets currently...Read More
Where do all the riots, looting and arson happening around the country end? Former CIA Officer and counter-terrorism expert Kevin Shipp says, "They are pushing for a civil war, and we are in a soft civil war right now. It just hasn't broken out into the streets. This will result in a civil war, and we have to remember that we are not the minority. . . . . Your average American who loves the Consti...Read More
"At the opening dinner of the Osaka G-20 meeting in June 2019, with only interpreters present, Xi had explained to Trump why he was basically building concentration camps in Xinjiang. Continue...Read More
Mohamed El-Erian, chief economic advisor at Allianz, says the stock market is in a "win-win" mindset as the Federal Reserve provides continued stimulus. He warns of distorted "zombie markets" and explains how some sectors will benefit while others will miss out during the economic recovery.Mohamed El-Erian is the Chief Economic Adviser of Allianz, a multinational financial services company. He is...Read More
The cash flow problem in the real economy threatens holders of US commercial real estate as the overwhelming majority of that real estate was purchased with massive amounts of debt to increase investment returns.Jason Burack is an investor, entrepreneur, financial historian, Austrian School economist, and contrarian. Jason co-founded the startup financial education company Wall St for Main St, LLC...Read More
Bill Gates says his foundation is funding the construction of factories for seven coronavirus vaccine candidates. Europe is embracing his agenda where people will not be able to even Continue...Read More
"Our lives have been ruined." "You can never really get over it." Continue...Read More
'My confidence is rising quite rapidly that this is, in fact, becoming the fourth, real McCoy, bubble of my investment career. The great bubblesContinue...Read More
The Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) was authorized by Congress under the CARES Act and is being overseen by the Small Business Administration Continue...Read More
"We can simply work through the 14-day quarantine periods that have worked so well in terms of returning Australians to this country safely."Continue...Read More
"A dollar decline is inevitable," says Stephen Roach, senior lecturer at Yale University, as he explains how a coming crash in the U.S. dollar will unfold. Stephen S. Roach, former Chairman of Morgan Stanley Asia and the firm's chief economist, is a senior fellow at Yale University's Jackson Institute of Global Affairs and a senior lecturer at Yale's School of Management. He the author, most recen...Read More
Just when you thought things we might be coming out of the worst, one widely followed analyst reminds us to connect the dots from the Reagan-era draining of Canada's sovereign gold reserves as a weapon which bankrupted the USSR, to the fatal flaws in Keynesian fiat currency, to today's runaway vertical growth of the Fed's balance sheet, to the emerging global rejection of the USD, to the future gl...Read More
Todays interview is with Harley Schlanger. Harley discusses the Deep Sdtate and how the Trump administration is fighting their every move. Harley pointed out that Trump spoke at West Point and in his speech he told the globalists we are no longer the police of the world. The economic system is now being transitioned, the globalists are panicking.Harley Schlanger's work can be found at LaRouchePAC....Read More
Some of us thought the epic scale of spending and printing during the Great Recession would not be surpassed. Boy were we wrong!Continue...Read More
The leviathan created by the modern welfare state is one of the gravest threats facing the American republican system. Dangers levied by the continued use of the government's dole come both fiscally and socially. Fixes being floated from Congress to community organizations still lack a cohesive focus on reform in the mainstream public discourse.The federal welfare apparatus has bloomed into a disa...Read More - sign in a VKontakte group - Add as Friend - watch in instagramTo find a video for a particular tank click Categories: Code for those who have not played for a long time:AMWAY921 Enter here: works for those...Read More
Get the book: to homeschool: http://www.HomeschoolLeader.comEnroll in a good school: http://www.Valor-Academy.comInterview from 2014 Let's make mandates obsolete. Especially, school attendance laws because it hurts kids.Read More
The leviathan created by the modern welfare state is one of the gravest threats facing the American republican system. Dangers levied by the continued use of the government's dole come both fiscally and socially. Fixes being floated from Congress to community organizations still lack a cohesive focus on reform in the mainstream public discourse.The federal welfare apparatus has bloomed into a disa...Read More
What if everyone declared bankruptcy, would that solve all financial woes? Or rather, would it be the ultimate debt bubble burst? Bankruptcy is a “solution” that would become disastrous if everyone were to use it. So can it truly be considered a solution at all? It just shifts the financial burden to someone else.Most people just don’t care though, because usually, it is the bi...Read More