Silver Articles

Everything Else And Then Silver: That's Why We Call The Bankers 'Criminals' And The COMEX A 'Fraud'

November 16, 2017 / Craig Hemke

Not in other commodities, and not in other precious metals. Only in silver has it reached this level. Here's Craig Hemke via Sprott Money NewsWith total Comex silver open interest near the 200,000 contract level, we thought it would be enlightening to once again discuss the total volume of physical mine supply versus digital metal supply on this futures exchange.We've written on countles...Read More

India Imported More Silver In September Than The US Mint Has Sold ALL YEAR

November 16, 2017 / Louis Cammarosano

India's silver demand has grown exponentially over the last ten years, and the September imports show massive increases in demand. Here's Louis Cammarosano of SmaulgldSeptember 2017 Indian silver imports were up 152% from 225 tons in September 2016.Indian silver demand has increased exponentially over the past ten years. India, however, has historically been known as a nation with a penc...Read More

Silver Institute: The Sharp Drop In Silver Demand In 2017 Is Because People Are Buying RISKY ASSETS

November 16, 2017 / Silver Institute:

Here's a breakdown of the numbers fresh off the presses...from the Silver Institute:(November 15, 2017 - New York City) At the Annual Silver Industry Dinner hosted by the Silver Institute, Johann Wiebe, Lead Analyst in the GFMS team at Thomson Reuters presented the GFMS / Silver Institute Interim Silver Market Review, which includes provisional supply and demand forecasts for 2017. The following a...Read More

The Minnow That Swallowed The Whale - Firesteel Resources Inc (CVE:FTR, FRA:2FN)

November 15, 2017 / Palisade Research

Palisade Research November 15, 2017 Category: Research In any industry, deal flow is key. Being the first to unearth new and exciting opportunities is the difference between making it big and making it nowhere at all. Firesteel's management has demonstrated such an ability, sprinkled with a little luck. Through the course of their dealings, Michael Hepworth and Basil Botha came across a group who...Read More

Monster Hole - Mexican Gold (CVE:MEX, FRA:4QW1) Drills 38 M Of 9.24 g/t AuEq Within 94 M of Mineralization

November 14, 2017 / Palisade Research

Palisade Research November 14, 2017 Category: Research Mexican Gold (CVE:MEX, FRA:4QW1) Barely a month ago on October 14, 2017, Mexican Gold's CEO Brian Robertson received a frantic call from site. Matt Laird, the company's head geologist, was beginning to pull the third hole of the season's drill program at Las Minas. The call lasted just two minutes, as Matt struggled to express what was unfoldi...Read More

Gregory Mannarino: Gold & Silver Market FAKERY Is Being Thrown In Your Face

November 11, 2017 / Gregory Mannarino

Greg says that when the bubbles start popping, the money won't go to money heaven, but it will rush into gold & silver. Here's why...Gregory Mannarino interviewed on the X22 Report SpotlightThe conversation starts off with a recap of the Friday gold smash. Gregory explains the mechanics of the smashing.Then they shift to discuss that every market must be rigged at all times, and the point that the...Read More


November 10, 2017 / would do what happened this morning at 11:08 a.m. EST

SD Friday Wrap: There's also a bad omen in gold. Here's why...First of all, from an Iraq War Veteran to fellow Veterans out there - Thank you for your service.I bring up up military service to make a point about bad omens:You know them when you see them.Anybody who ever rolled into an Iraqi town and saw the civilians disappear and the streets turn empty knows what that bad omen means:Somebody is a...Read More

Keith Neumeyer: Silver Miners Are Producing SUBSTANTIALLY LESS Silver Today

November 10, 2017 / Keith Neumeyer

Since 2014, the situation with the miners has become desperate, but this lower production means only one thing for the silver price. Here's the details...Keith Neumeyer interviewed by Craig Hemke on The Weekly Wrap UpKeith and Craig discuss the latest fundamental news on the silver market in this week's show.Keith says that as CEO of First Majestic, he sees first hand that the silver miners are pr...Read More

SGTreport: $17 Silver, $1,000,000,000 Bitcoin and Other OUTRAGES

November 6, 2017 / SGT Report

So far, the precious metals price suppression has been effective, yet before it comes to an end, David Quintieri says to scoop up some physical silver. Here's why...David Quintieri interviewed on SGT ReportThe conversation begins with a recap on the jobs numbers and the economy in the attempts to paint a specific picture of the economy.Then the conversation shifts on to Bitcoin. David says he dism...Read More

Gregory Mannarino Explains The Mechanics Behind Friday's Silver Smash

November 5, 2017 / Gregory Mannarino

While the markets are in "la-la land", what happened to silver on Friday was nothing more than pure, unadulterated market rigging. Here's the Gregory Mannarino of Trader's ChoiceIn today's video, Greg provides a nice graph and point of reference.Greg says that nobody in their right mind would enter into the market and put in a sell order for that quantity of silver at one time. In addi...Read More

Bix Weir Says "NOT A CHANCE" Fed Nominee Powell Will Stop Rigging Gold & Silver Prices

November 3, 2017 / Bix Weir

So much for President Trump draining the swamp. Bix says "not a chance" the gold & silver market rigging will stop. Here's Bix Weir of Rood To RootaBix Weir says to all those looking for the precious metals price suppression to end under the new Fed Chair:"GOOD LUCK WITH THAT!"Here's the Road To Roota analysis of President Trump's Fed Chair Nominee Jerome Powell:Bix Weir has 30 years' ex...Read More

The Amount Of Silver Traded Yesterday Was Equal To 46.7% Of Annual Global Mine Supply

November 1, 2017 / Harvey Organ


The Weakness In Silver Is Now Bullish For These Two Fundamental Reasons

October 31, 2017 / Clive Maund

Clive Maund says that technically, there could be some more short term weakness in the silver price, but for two long-term fundamental reasons, the bottom is Clive Maund via Streetwise ReportsLike gold, silver now appears to be completing an intermediate Head-and-Shoulders top that we can see on its latest chart below, within a much larger and very bullish Head-and-Shoulders bottom pattern...Read More

No Agenda Here: Copper SMASHES Silver Investment Demand According To LME Poll

October 30, 2017 / is heavily slanted against the white metal:

Monday Humor: Silver has been money just as long as gold, but silver investment appeal falls behind gold, palladium, platinum and now even copper?Leave it to the London Metals Exchange to conduct a conference "poll" that the WGC is quick to call out:If they had to invest all of their wealth into one metal, 45% of the crowd at #LMEweek would choose gold World Gold Counci...Read More

This Week Only - The Lowest Price Silver Eagles Ever Offered at SD Bullion!

October 30, 2017 / Staff reporter

The Doc has just unleashed a special at SD Bullion you don't want to miss... This deals will end 11/6/17 at 10 AM EST... Read More

Marshall Swing: Rickards Road To Ruin And The October Surprise That Wasn't

October 25, 2017 / Marshall Swing

Marshall Swing says Silver IS DIRT CHEAP right now, but just before the global crash, it will not even be available. Here's what happens Marshall Swing(Click Image To Enlarge)I've gotten numerous requests from around the world for updates on silver and gold the last few months and my apologies for not getting a roundtuit.I enjoy writing about the metals but simply do not have much time t...Read More

Palisade's Inaugural Hard Asset Conference On Jekyll Island

October 25, 2017 / Palisade Research

Palisade Research October 25, 2017 Category: Research What happens when you combine 60 of the industry's brightest minds with a picturesque hotel replete with historical consequence, and fuel the whole thing with booze? A networking extravaganza of epic proportions - welcome to the Inaugural Palisade Hard Asset Conference on Jekyll Island!The Jekyll Island Club served as a perfect setting- a small...Read More

ScotiaMocatta Sale Is The MOST SIGNIFICANT Event To Happen In Silver Since 2008

October 24, 2017 / Theodore Butler

Ted Butler says the ScotiaBank news may be on par with the JP Morgan take-over of Bear Stearns in 2008. Here's Theodore Butler of Butler ResearchNews reports this week indicated that the Bank of Nova Scotia (ScotiaBank), Canada's third largest bank, had put its precious metals operation, ScotiaMocatta, up for sale. Various sources said the unit had been for sale for a year or so and it wa...Read More

Silver To $15.50, GSR Surging Over 80, And Falling Interest Rates

October 24, 2017 / gold to silver ratio

Keith Weiner says that interest rates will keep falling, but silver is headed to $15.50 and the gold to silver ratio is going over 80. Here's why... by Keith Weiner of Monetary MetalsLast week we discussed the marginal productivity of debt. This is how much each newly-borrowed dollar adds to GDP. And ever since the interest rate began its falling trend in 1981, marginal productivity of debt has...Read More

US Mint AP President: People are Holding Onto Their Silver

October 24, 2017 / Roy Friedman of MTB

While some people are selling back their gold, US Mint Authorized Purchaser Roy Friedman says silver is "the investment that people do not sell back."Roy Friedman of MTB Interivewed on Silver DoctorsAs for the near term market prices, Friedman says precious metals may go lower. While demand for physical gold and silver has improved over the last couple weeks, it is still weak, he says. However, in...Read More

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