Which Market Participants will be jumping for joy?(by Half Dollar) Depending on what price one uses at the metric, silver is now basically "unch" or slightly positive on the year.While there are still many trading days left to close out 2022, this week could prove to be especially explosive in the markets.That is to say, the Fed concludes its most recent 2-day FOMC Meeting this Wednesday, December...Read More
"...definitely now is the time to buy your silver...the banks are crashing as we speak..."by Bix Weir of Road to Roota99% of Silver Investors...including the "Professional Commodity Analysts & Brokers" are saying that Silver will rise over 50% in 2023! HA! When the general public starts to buy silver they will quickly find out that Silver has turned into "Unobtainium!"...meaning they are shit out...Read More
If it's a given that silver will skyrocket when the Fed pivots, yet if silver is already over 36% higher from just a couple of months ago, then...(by Half Dollar) How exactly is the Fed going to "pivot" when silver is up over 36% recently?You see, some inflation indicators are not like the others, and silver is totally different. In fact, silver is the one thing that governments and central banks...Read More
Is 2023 the year where we finally see a higher silver price?by Chris Marcus of Arcadia EconomicsA few weeks ago we hosted SilverFest III, where in the final 'ask the experts' panel, one of the topics that came up is how long the current pricing environment can be maintained, and whether 2023 is the year where we finally see a higher silver price.I was joined by Craig Hemke, Dave Kranzler, James An...Read More
Nothing goes up in a straight line...by David Brady via Sprott MoneyFed Chair Powell said a lot of things today. It was the most verbose speech I've heard from him. He said something for everyone, and my simple summary is as follows: Powell confirmed that interest rates will continue to rise but at a slower pace, starting with 50 basis points in December. This confirmed the pivot back on November...Read More
What's going on behind silver's lack of...by David Morgan of The Morgan ReportThe 'Crypto Conspiracy' & What's Really Happening with Silver | https://www.themorganreport.comBack on the Daily Dive is David Morgan from The Morgan Report. Today, we sit with David to talk about his take on what's going on in the crypto space, including his thoughts on FTX and SBF, as well as his concerns about Tether...Read More
It should be noted that the 263,000 "jobs" created in November...(by Half Dollar) The federal government's official jobs report has just been release for the month of November, 2022.And according to the BLS, in the US, in November:Total employment rose by 263,000Unemployment rate was unchanged at 3.7%Average hourly earnings rose by $0.18 per hourIt should be noted that in addition to the unchange...Read More
Speculators will be left tricked with undeliverable short positions, waking up into what will likely be a...Latifa Alkhanjary via KinesisIn this week's episode of Live from the Vault, Andrew Maguire underlines the inevitable paper market unwinding following Basel III compliance, as the COMEX is forced to compete with an increasingly global physical marketplace.The London wholesaler exposes the s...Read More
"...the paper spot price is something that..."Tyler Wall with Patrick V. on Silver Bullion TVSBTV (https://www.silverbullion.com.sg/SBTV) spoke with Dr. Tyler Wall, Co-founder and CEO of SD Bullion, about silver deficits, rising premiums and why the monetary system is a recipe for disaster if it continues on this path of money printing and debt accumulation.FULL SHOW NOTES AND LINKS HERERead More
Traders looking for leveraged exposure should...by Adam Hamilton of Zeal LLCSilver and its miners' stocks have had a tough year. They plunged with gold in spring and summer as extreme Fed tightening catapulted the US dollar parabolic. The resulting deep lows left this tiny fringe contrarian sector deeply out of favor, but it has started recovering in recent months. The major silver miners' u...Read More
What does it mean over the next month if the "bad news is bad news" narrative becomes the main theme? (by Half Dollar) I'd like to bring up a few random points in no particular order, but to me, these points speak to a "bad news is bad news" narrative that's potentially forming in the mainstream.First, a bunch of people without access to the cookie jar, or connections on the back end, or whatever,...Read More
Crypto has proven to be a risky investment to say the least...by David Morgan of The Morgan ReportHow Big is the Crypto Market? How does it affect the Silver Market? | https://www.themorganreport.comCrypto has proven to be a risky investment to say the least. The current marketcap of crypto is just under $865 billion. In November of 2021 it was at just over 3 Trillion. So crypto lost 2/3 of its va...Read More
"As forecast, Silver peaked at 22.38...now undergoing a typical ABC correction...already bottomed at 20.78...Then up to higher highs next."by David Brady via Sprott MoneyThe FOMC statement on November 3 confirmed the Fed's plan to 'pivot' to lower rate hikes going forward. Comments from Fed Vice Chair Brainard on Monday confirmed that, as did similar comments from Dallas Fed Head Lorie Logan last...Read More
The latest ridiculousness, the silver-to-silver ratio arbitrage, is actually the essence of what the Fed calls "smooth market functioning"...(by Half Dollar) I have much to be thankful for.And while I could write about all of the ways that I'm thankful for all of the Fakes, Frauds, Phonies and Worse being wrong about silver this year, again, suffice it to say that in general, I'm thankful for the...Read More
We had considerable covering of shortfalls, and we had...by Harvey Organ of Harvey Organ Blog//BIG NEW DEVELOPMENTS IN THE FTX SCANDAL//OTHER IMPT NEWS EVENTS//GOLD PRICE CLOSE: Down $12.75$1760.45SILVER PRICE CLOSE: DOWN $0.52 to $20.92Access prices: closes : 4: 15 PMGold ACCESS CLOSE 1771.33Silver ACCESS CLOSE: 21.99New: early yesterday morning//Bitcoin morning price: $16,664Bitcoin: afternoon p...Read More
"...2022 hasn't played out as expected..." by Craig Hemke via Sprott Money NewsThe year 2022 hasn't played out as expected, but as the year draws to a close, the clouds are parting and a vision for 2023 comes into focus.What did we know about 2022 when the year began? Not much. In fact, as we stated in our annual macrocast, the only thing we knew for certain about 2022 was that it would be "wild...Read More
Traders don't need large moves in price to make a profit, we have the statistical odds in our favor, and...by Chris Vermeulen of The Technical TradersPrecious metal prices - gold, silver - and related miners have been bearish for quite some time now. It looks like that is starting to change. When I look at the charts for gold and silver, I see similar periods of consolidation with multiple test...Read More
The longer it takes for weak hands to catch on, the more sustainable the move will be...by Rafi Farber via Arcadia EconomicsSilver Launches as Reality Corners Fantasy, Central Banks on the RunPrecious metals have launched higher, led by silver and the miners, but paper traders so far appear to have missed the move. Outflows continue in SLV specifically, and paper gold funds generally, as buying bo...Read More
This Christmas does not feature The Everything Shortage of last year...(by Half Dollar) The dollar has topped and is falling!Ho, ho, ho.The Fed has room to pivot or at least "hike" slower!Ho, ho, ho.The ______ (insert favorite Brainwashed Masses or Walmart Zombie theory here)!Ho, ho, ugh.Yup.All of the Analysts, Gurus, Technicians, and Worse each have their own cute little theory as to why gold &...Read More