Why may $1,000 silver be in the cards?Peter Schiff with Patrick V. on Silver Bullion TVSBTV spoke with Peter Schiff, Chief Economist and Global Market Strategist at Euro Pacific Capital, about why the Fed is likely to tame inflation today and why $1,000 silver may be on the cards if this precious metals bull market rival the 1970s' gold and silver bull market.FULL SHOW NOTES AND LINKS HERERead More
What is the primary cause of silver's current price drop, and what is the basis of the $300 price target?Peter Krauth with Dave Russell on GoldCore TVThis week, Dave Russell is joined by Peter Krauth, editor of Silver Stock Investor and author of The Great Silver Bull book, who explains why he's so bullish on silver. He discusses in length the reasons why he predicts silver will outperform gold an...Read More
Gold, and especially silver, will take on even more significant roles...Jon Little interviewed by Chris Marcus of Arcadia EconomicsThere's currently more economic uncertainty in the world than many of us have seen in our lifetimes.The Fed is raising interest rates at a 75 basis point clip into a recession, while eastern countries are rapidly moving away from the dollar.And in the midst of all of t...Read More
LOL...(by Half Dollar) Recall that it has been one month since the release of the fake, and then the not fake, official inflation report.And if that last "report" wasn't some of the finest performance in World Wide WrestleManiaFest to date, the July 2022 CPI is giving the June report a run for the money.Indeed, according to the BLS, in July of 2022:Prices are up 0.00% from last month.Prices are up...Read More
"Exactly as predicted, Silver ran into..."by David Brady via Sprott MoneyCourtesy of the Fed's inability to communicate in a clear and concise matter on monetary policy and its collective denial of the recession already underway, we're still waiting for final confirmation that the bottom is in. Unfortunately, Fed policy is the primary determinant of all markets these days, including precious metal...Read More
If they don't give us the next big thing right out of the gate, there's always the old standby come Wednesday...(by Half Dollar) It feels like they're just throwing everything against the wall and seeing what sticks.Doesn't it?For example, we've had a few geo-political splatterings here and there, but obviously nobody is really buying the whole "here comes war with _______ (insert your favorite Co...Read More
The growing bullishness of the set-up in silver has grown even more extreme... by Craig Hemke via Sprott Money NewsSix weeks ago, we wrote about the growing bullishness of the set-up in COMEX silver. The situation has since grown more extreme, so it's time for an update.As we begin, you might want to go back and review this post from June 21. Within it, there are some definitions and explanations...Read More
BOOM(ing economy...)(by Half Dollar) The Employment Situation Report, commonly called the Jobs Report, has just been released for the month of July, 2022.Recall that the Bureau of Lying Sadists Labor Statistics has been performing a Jobs Report "do-over" for the last three or four months.Today, however, Team US Recession Narrative just got dunked on by Team Booming Economy Narrative.Which is to sa...Read More
As investors wake up to widespread spoofing and join the mass exodus to fairer alternatives...by Natalie Laz via KinesisIn this week's Live from the Vault, Andrew Maguire is joined once again by Craig Hemke, founder of the TF Metals Report, to discuss the Fed's refusal to accept the US is slipping into a recession.The two industry allies contemplate the approaching end of the COMEX's confidence sc...Read More
It's not often that "price in time" forecasts work out in the short term, but the...by Stewart Thomson of Graceland Updates1. Oil and gasoline prices continue to fall. That's relieving some inflationary pressures, yet gold is surging in a dramatic rally from my $1675 buy zone.2. Can the divergent action continue? 3. For some insight as to why it likely will, please click here no...Read More
Brace yourself for 100x silver!by David Morgan of The Morgan ReportSILVER Reversal Is Coming!!! 100x Silver Coming Brace Yourself! | https://www.themorganreport.comIn this video David Morgan Talks About why FED Doesn't want you to own silver.Watch this video on SILVER Reversal Is Coming!!! 100x Silver Coming Brace Yourself!, then please share with your friends and family on social media and use t...Read More
We are at the end of a battle that has lasted much, much longer than we even know...by Bix Weir of Road to RootaIt has never been more dangerous to be on Planet Earth than Right Now! We are at the end of a battle that has lasted much, much longer than we even know but definitely since December 1913. When the Fed was created we LOST our power to control our money. From that day forward were debt sl...Read More
"...the biggest U.S. silver coin deal in history..."Bill Holter interviewed on USA Watchdog by Greg HunterWhole World is a Banana Republic - Bill HolterA few months back, precious metals expert and financial writer Bill Holter predicted the economy was going to tank, and today, the U.S. is officially in a recession. Holter says it's not just America buckling under enormous debt, but the entire w...Read More
After four months in the red, was the $18-an-ounce range the bottom?by David Morgan of The Morgan ReportHave We Hit The Bottom For Silver? | https://www.themorganreport.comAfter almost four months in the red, silver has had its worst crash since the pandemic, hitting a two-year low in the $18-an-ounce range on July 14.But is that the bottom?Watch this video on Have We Hit The Bottom For Silver?,...Read More
The Fed has just decided, uh-huh, to hike rates by a whole 0.75% and blame the "elevated" inflation on the Zombie Apocalypse, still, as well as... (by Half Dollar) The Fed has just concluded its most recent 2-day FOMC meeting.Here's the Fed's statement, posted in its entirety (bold added for emphasis and commentary):Recent indicators of spending and production have softened. Nonetheless, job gains...Read More
Are the rate hikes fully priced into gold & silver?John Feneck with Chris Marcus on Arcadia EconomicsWhat to expect with #gold & #silver ahead of the FOMC...With the Fed's latest policy meeting coming up this Wednesday, where they're largely expected to raise interest rates by another 75 basis points, where does that leave gold and silver?Are the hikes fully priced into the metals markets, or is t...Read More
It could be exciting, or a whole lot of nothing, which means a whole lot of...(by Half Dollar) There are plenty of potential launchpads, or woodsheds, in the gold & silver market this week.To name a few, we have housing market reports, GDP & employment reports, trade & inflation reports, and we also have some manufacturing reports hitting the tape. The big event of the week is the Fed's 2-day FOMC...Read More
Important precious metals news stories in the last few weeks...James Anderson with Jason Burack of Wall St For Main StJason asks James about the important precious metals news stories that have happened in the last few weeks along with how much lower silver prices can go?Over 200 articles, audio podcasts & interviews with experts exclusive for Patrons with 68 new articles & audio podcasts out in t...Read More
Silver may have already bottomed out, given the...by David Brady via Sprott MoneyAll of the conditions are in place for a major low and a massive rally to follow. We're just waiting for the confirmation that the bottom is in and the rally to new record highs has truly begun.Looking at the changes in prices over the past week, little has happened:So, I'll keep this report brief, focusing on the sig...Read More
And what is likely to happen to the price of silver next?by Keith Weiner of Monetary-MetalsThe dollar rose this week, from 17.87mg gold to 18.24mg (that's "gold fell from $1,740 to $1,705" in DollarSpeak), a gain of 2.1%. In silver terms, it rose from 1.61g to 1.67g (in DollarSpeak, "silver dropped from $19.24 to $18.64), or 3.7%.As always, we want to look past the market price action. Two explana...Read More