A crash coming AFTER a 20% decline is WORST CASE SCENARIO and will stress test these markets far beyond their breaking point...by David Morgan of The Morgan ReportNasdaq Secretly Sends A Buy For Silver Now That The NASDAQ Is In A Bear Market | https://www.themorganreport.comA crash coming AFTER a -20% decline is WORST CASE SCENARIO and will stress test these markets far beyond their breaking poin...Read More
It's not like one of these things is not like the other, or that one of these things is totally different, but in addition to being a gazillion times better...(by Half Dollar) I've been called many things throughout the years, and a week or so ago I was called a "Welfare Investor".Funny.First things first: I am not on SNAP, EBT, Food Stamps, or whatever else the government is currently calling its...Read More
A tidal wave of paper gold selling threatens a repeat of the now-infamous blow-up of March 2020...by Samuel Briggs via KinesisIn this week's Live from the Vault, Andrew Maguire brings attention to a tidal wave of paper gold selling, which threatens a repeat of the now-infamous EFP conduit blow-up of March 2020.The London whistleblower exposes COMEX insiders' influence on the gold price, ahead of a...Read More
Is that it?Michael Oliver with Chris Marcus on Arcadia EconomicsThe silver price has finally stabilized this week after a rather brutal selloff over the past month.But is that it? Or is there more selling on the way? And what actually caused the recent selloff?To discuss those questions, as well as how the Fed's latest set of rate hikes is likely to impact the silver price going forward, technical...Read More
We are at the low point of silver...by Bix Weir of Road to RootaALERT! 1.4B Oz of Physical Silver Shifted to LBMA Delivery in 12 Months...WHO Took It?! (Bix Weir)The Physical Delivery of Silver does not happen on the COMEX anymore...up to 90% of it is transferred over to the LBMA in "Exchange for Physical" filings. Over they last 12 months about 1.4 Billion Ounces of Silver were transferred in EFP...Read More
The conspiracy mongers don't want you to see this chart...by Keith Weiner of Monetary-MetalsOn Thursday May 12, the price of silver fell about a buck. As with every one of these big price moves, the question is: what really happened? Below is a chart of the day's action, with price overlaid with basis. Basis = future - spot. It is a great (i.e. the only) indicator of abundance or scarcity of metal...Read More
One scan of the "news" demonstrates that something is a miss with the propagandists seemingly grasping for anything and everything...(by Half Dollar) I'm wondering just what the next catalyst for the news cycle, and by extension, for silver, is going to be?I ask that because it's not easy to get a read on the mainstream media right now, and one scan of the "news" demonstrates that something is a m...Read More
What is the cyclical explosiveness of physical silver indicating for stackers everywhere?by Samuel Briggs via KinesisIn this week's Live from the Vault, Andrew Maguire is joined by Patrick Karim, co-founder of technical analysis service, Northstar & Badcharts, to share bullish predictions for gold and silver, founded on a lifetime of accurately forecasting rallies.The veteran chart trader analyses...Read More
The fragility is beginning to show...by David Morgan of The Morgan ReportSILVER and the Collapse of the Global Financial System | https://www.themorganreport.comIn our current economic environment, the fragility of the FIAT currency at the heart of the global financial system is beginning to show. Precious metals analyst David Morgan explains why a run to silver may be the inevitable outcome.Hist...Read More
The dominant feature today as the bankers get out of dodge...by Harvey Organ of Harvey Organ BlogGOLD; $1825.75 DOWN $26.50SILVER: $20.68 DOWN $.88ACCESS MARKET: GOLD $1822.00SILVER: $20.70Bitcoin morning price: $28,800 DOWN 876Bitcoin: afternoon price: $28,681 DOWN 1077Platinum price: closing DOWN $52.00 to $947.70Palladium price; closing DOWN $119.45 at $1910.45ENDDONATEClick here if yo...Read More
Regardless of how unpleasant the past few weeks have been, events are mostly playing out as forecast, and in reality, silver is acting just as predictably as gold... by Craig Hemke via Sprott Money NewsRegardless of how unpleasant the past few weeks have been, events are mostly playing out as we forecast back in January. So, with this in mind, it's time for an update.We've gotten accustomed to wr...Read More
Prices on "all items", with the exception of gold & silver, continue to skyrocket...(by Half Dollar) The Bureau of Lying Sadists Labor Statistics has just released the official inflation report, the Consumer Price Index, for April of 2022.According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics:Prices are up 0.3% from last month.Prices are up 8.3% over the last 12 months.Uh, sure they are.Gold & silver were "s...Read More
There are three morals to this story...by Keith Weiner of Monetary-MetalsThe last few days of trading in silver have been a wild ride. On Wednesday morning in New York, six hours before the Fed was to announce its interest rate hike, the price of silver began to drop. It went from around $22.65 to a low of $22.25 before recovering about 20 cents. At 2pm (NY time), the Fed made the announcement....Read More
How will the stock and bond market collapse affect the silver market?Peter Krauth with Chris Marcus of Arcadia EconomicsPeter Krauth: Stock/Bond collapse to lead to "The Great Silver Bull" Peter Krauth of https://silverstockinvestor.com/ joins Chris to discuss how the stock and Bond market collapse will affect the Silver Market To find out more click to watch now!FULL SHOW NOTES AND LINKS HERERead More
A silver deficit?Nate Fisher via Arcadia EconomicsSilver supply and demand overview for 2022 (w/Nate Fisher)We hear a lot about a silver deficit, so we are glad to have Nate Fisher bring us his overview of silver supply and demand.To hear what he has to say, click to watch this video now!FULL SHOW NOTES AND LINKS HERERead More
Just to slow down the inflation rate, the Fed has to jack interest rates to...by Bix Weir of Road to RootaALERT! .5% Fed Raise Will NOT Stop Silver Rising to $600/oz Overnight When Rigging Ends!! (Bix Weir)Fed has to jack interest rates to 9% today just to slow down the 8.5% inflation rate..THEY WON'T! LOAD THE TRUCK WITH PHYSICAL SILVER...IF YOU CAN FIND ANY!!Read More
These 75,000 ounces will not stand for delivery at the Comex as these guys were...by Harvey Organ of Harvey Organ Blog//GOLD UP A TINY $.70 TO $1868.80 A T COMEX CLOSING//SILVER DOWN ANOTHR 27 CENTS TO $22.38//GOLD STANDING FOR MAY RISES BY A HUGE QUEUE JUMP OF 41,100 OZ: NEW STANDING 7.4650 TONNES//SILVER DOES THE OPPOSITE: A HUGE EFP JUMP OF 75,000 AS NO SILVER IS OVER HERE: NEW STANDING 28.430...Read More
What role will gold and silver play in the next melt-up rally?David Hunter with David Russell on GoldCore TVDavid Russell of GoldCore Tv welcomes back #DavidHunter, Chief Macro Strategist with Contrarian Macro Advisors, who predicts that a 'Melt-Up' boom will still take the #DOW to 45,000, the #NASDAQ to 20,000, and the S&P to 6,000. He has also revised upwards his gold and silver price targets fo...Read More
Silver's been behaving differently than gold behind the scenes...by Keith Weiner of Monetary-MetalsThe price of silver has been going down, and then down some more. From over $28 a year ago, and over $26.50 a month ago, it's now at a new low under $22.50. Four bucks down in a month.However, it's been behaving differently than gold behind the scenes. Let's look at the gold and silver basis charts...Read More
Not to be confused with the "tremendous economic hardship" from last year, of course... (by Half Dollar) The Fed has just concluded its most recent 2-day FOMC meeting.Here's the Fed's statement from the meeting, posted in its entirety (bold added for emphasis and commentary):Although overall economic activity edged down in the first quarter, household spending and business fixed investment remaine...Read More