What's pressuring the bullion bank?by Rafi Faber via Arcadia EconomicsJPMorgan's New York silver vault is running low again as inflows into #SLV are pressuring the bullion bank.Meanwhile, Comex has been bleeding physical platinum at an alarming pace since July 2021, and the European Federation of Energy Traders sounds the Red Alert on liquidity issues in all paper energy markets.Every real commodi...Read More
The rapid runup in prices was driven primarily by...by Keith Weiner of Monetary-MetalsTwo weeks ago, we published This is NOT the Silver Breakout You're Looking For.The silver price had gone from $24 to over $26 and the gold price was up about $50/oz over the same period. Our basis indicator made it clear that the rapid runup in prices was driven primarily by paper traders buying futures contra...Read More
"...coming in the next month or..."by Gary Savage of Smart Money Tracker"...at this point, the only thing that could really save the economy from a recession would be for oil to just crash back down below..."Read More
Silver standing advances, and with the sanctions...by Harvey Organ of Harvey Organ BlogGOLD AND SILVER HAD A GOOD DAY WITH GOLD UP $15.75/AND SILVER UP 24 CENTS//GOLD STANDING AT THE COMEX FOR MARCH ADVANCES BY 1600 OZ AND THUS NEW STANDING 36.298 TONNES//SILVER FOR MARCH DELIVERY ADVANCES BY 110,000 OZ/NEW STANDING 52.690 MILLION OZGOLD; $1937.15 UP $15.75SILVER: $25.06 UP $0.24ACCESS MARKET: G...Read More
If they do try to slam silver, that will be your FINAL GIFT from the manipulators...by Bix Weir of Road to RootaBofA has to cook their books by March 30th to both hide their massive silver lease holdings and clean up their 1Q reporting for 2022. Will they do it? These banksters always have so I wouldn't put it by them...but if they do try to slam silver below the Moving Averages to force the hand...Read More
It could be one of those weeks...(by Half Dollar) Gold and silver are looking for a nudge and traction this week.It could be one of those weeks where everything changes.Regardless, at the time of this writing, gold begins the week around $1925:Gold is around $100 higher than the start of the year.Silver begins the week around $25.25:Silver is around a couple of dollars higher than the start of the...Read More
You can't make this up!by Bix Weir of Road to RootaYou can't make this up! The US Mint has a lifetime Human Resources professional acting as Director of the Mint and she is being PLAYED by the criminal banks! Bank of America has taken delivery of 25M ounces of silver in the last 3 months for their HOUSE account forcing the US Mint has decided to STOP PRODUCTION of some of the most popular silver c...Read More
Nobody can get enough supply. Everyone is...Tyler Wall on Wall Street SilverTyler Wall joins us to discuss the situation that all bullion dealers are dealing with right now. Nobody can get enough supply. Everyone is on allocation with the mints. Inventory is extremely low.FULL SHOW NOTES AND LINKS HERERead More
Houston, we have lift off! As if we ever went to...(by Half Dollar) The Fed is hiking interest rates.Apparently.Or supposedly.Or something.Here's the Fed's "statement" in its entirety:Indicators of economic activity and employment have continued to strengthen. Job gains have been strong in recent months, and the unemployment rate has declined substantially. Inflation remains elevated, reflecting s...Read More
Silver buyer beware...by Keith Weiner of Monetary-MetalsEvery once in a while, one regrets not acting sooner, or not acting soon enough. In our case, we did not publish this Tuesday evening. We should have. Today the price is down, and others may also call for lower silver prices.Oh well. Our consolation is that they most likely are not calling for lower silver prices based on the same indicator w...Read More
Silver will rise 5000% in MASSIVE JUMPS!by Bix Weir of Road to RootaWe have arrived at the point where Silver will rise in MASSIVE JUMPS! Hold on tight!Read More
Several factors are converging for the Next Major Silver Bull Market... by Steve St Angelo of SRSrocco ReportSeveral factors are converging for the Next Major Silver Bull Market. While the silver price has underperformed versus gold during the Russian-Ukraine War, that will change when large institutions and investors begin moving into silver to protect wealth as the Global Financial System bre...Read More
In a crisis of this magnitude, remember not to measure your wealth, your gold and your silver in... by Egon von Greyerz of Gold SwitzerlandWhen the sh-t hits the global fan, it often does it at the optimal time for the maximum amount of damage and with the worst kind of sh-t to soil the world.For years I have been clear that the world is reaching the end of an economic, financial and monetary era...Read More
Dramatic consequences of a silver scarcity?by Samuel Briggs via KinesisIn this week's Live from the Vault, Andrew Maguire is joined by Dr Stephen Leeb, a renowned American economist and a financial author to contemplate the impending commodities shortage and the dramatic consequences of a silver scarcity for the developing countries.The precious metals experts discuss how China's growing prosperit...Read More
Find out what silver investors should know...David Smith with Chris Marcus of Arcadia EconomicsAlong with David Smith of The Morgan Report (partners with Silver Legend David Morgan), we talked about the Silver State of the Union.We discuss the latest events in the silver market, how the Russian/Ukraine situation will affect the market, whether the bankers are out of time, and how someone is going...Read More
Now that Fed Chair Powell has finished his testimony, gold & silver will rise in price...by Harvey Organ of Harvey Organ BlogMARCH 3//FED CHAIRMAN FINISHES HIS TALK EARLY THIS AFTERNOON AND NOW GOLD AND SILVER WILL RISE: GOLD PRICE UP $13.95 TO $1935//SILVER UP 2 CENTS TO $25.14//GOLD STANDING FOR MARCH RISES BY A STRONG QUEUE JUMP OF 4900 OZ: NEW STANDING A VERY STRONG 17.409 TONNES//SILVER OZ ST...Read More
This is HUGE and WILL NOT STOP! Hang on for the moonshot...by Bix Weir of Road to RootaThe Silver Whale is BACK!! Just released holdings of "Private Advisor Group" shows a 1,015% increase in the iShares Silver Trust!! This is the same entity that bought 190M Shares in the 1st Quarter and took delivery of the Physical Silver out of SLV!! This is HUGE and will NOT STOP! Hang on for the Moonshot!!Read More
In the US, job creation is booming and unemployment is dropping like a nuclear bomb!(by Half Dollar) The Latest Employment Situation Report, commonly called the "Jobs Report", was just released for the month of February, 2022.According to the BLS, in the US, in February:Total employment rose by 678,000Unemployment rate fell 0.2% to 3.8%Average hourly earnings rose by $0.01 per hourIt should be not...Read More
A close above $28 constitutes a breakout, and once the silver price is above $30, the next target quickly becomes... by Craig Hemke via Sprott Money NewsAs anyone who has watched the precious metals for any amount of time will tell you, price rallies on geopolitical concerns rarely hold. The same might be true today. However, do not make the mistake of thinking that the current rally in gold and...Read More