And what is likely to happen to the price of silver next?by Keith Weiner of Monetary-MetalsThe dollar rose this week, from 17.87mg gold to 18.24mg (that's "gold fell from $1,740 to $1,705" in DollarSpeak), a gain of 2.1%. In silver terms, it rose from 1.61g to 1.67g (in DollarSpeak, "silver dropped from $19.24 to $18.64), or 3.7%.As always, we want to look past the market price action. Two explana...Read More
It's hard to see gold & silver being drawn out into no-man's land, much less going on...(by Half Dollar) The term "trench warfare" comes up in market talk from time to time to describe a certain type of stalemate, a certain type of being stuck, where neither the bulls nor the bears are making any real progress towards achieving their objectives.The term "no-man's land" also comes up in market talk...Read More
Fractures in the COMEX's price-setting mechanism, and a gaping divergence between the paper and physical silver Natalie Laz via KinesisIn this week's Live from the Vault, Andrew Maguire inspects the fractures of COMEX's price-setting mechanism, revealing the gaping divergence between the paper and physical silver markets.The lifelong wholesaler looks closer at the unprecedented degree...Read More
The government can't really know what was inside the traders' minds when thousands of orders were placed?by Chris Marcus of Arcadia EconomicsYears after JP Morgan paid a $920 million fine for manipulating the #gold, #silver, and treasury futures markets, the trial for several of their traders who are facing RICO charges has finally begun.While the government is asserting that Michael Nowak, Gregg...Read More
The math says the Fed is about to do an about-face, start printing money and...Craig Hemke interviewed on USA Watchdog by Greg HunterThe math, according to Hemke, says the Fed is about to do an about-face and start money printing and cutting rates. Please keep in mind, by every metric, the economy is tanking, and this is an election year where the Democrats in power are weaker than they have ever...Read More Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | Stitcher | Email | RSS"We've got much bigger fish to fry...If they have been manipulating the price, why would you invest in precious metals?"...Steve St. Angelo of SRSrocco Report with Paul "Half Dollar" EberhartSilver is in the teens, so no...Read More
There isn't much further to go on the downside in Silver based on the David Brady via Sprott MoneyDespite all the bullish signals, precious metals and miners continued lower this week. I have repeatedly stated that no one should try to catch a falling knife but instead wait for a break of resistance. This week I will go through the technical levels I am watching to signal that the bottom...Read More
Is now the time for precious metals?by David Morgan of The Morgan ReportWhy Is Silver Below $20? | https://www.themorganreport.comSmallCapSteve chats with David Morgan from The Morgan Report. We take a moment to dive into what he really thinks about bitcoin, try to understand why silver is below $20, and where the US dollar could be headed with the current global macro-environment.00:43 Did bitco...Read More
It's not hard to understand, but it is hard to accept...(by Half Dollar) Of course I backed-up the truck.I mean, I haven't been waiting on silver in the teens for all of this time so that we could all hold hands and sing Kum Ba Yah.Nope.Much less have I been waiting on silver in the teens so that I could brag about being right.Oh no.I would never do that.I have been waiting on silver in the teens...Read More
If it ain't broke, don't fix it...(by Half Dollar) The Employment Situation Report has just been released for the month of June, 2022.According to the BLS, in the US, in June of 2022:Total employment increased by 372,000Unemployment rate was unchanged at 3.6%Average hourly earnings rose by $0.13 per hourIf these numbers look similar to the last three months, that's because they are:If it ain't bro...Read More
At the end of every one of these, silver does a Rafi Farber via Arcadia EconomicsHyperinflations never occur in straight lines. They are wild earthquakes that shake everyone's confidence on every side of every market. And at the end of every single one of these earthquakes, silver does a moonshot.In order to hang on, we must understand why a silver spike, indeed the biggest silver sp...Read More
It's hard to predict prices when the government and banks can just click a mouse and set prices anywhere they Bix Weir of Road to RootaIt's hard to predict silver & crypto prices when the US Government & Big Banks can click a mouse and set the prices ANYWHERE THEY WANT! The only way to beat them is to just sit and hold your assets in your own possession!Read More
Is it premature to make this call?by Keith Weiner of Monetary-MetalsSomething has happened which has not occurred since 2009. The silver basis-our measure of abundance of the metal to the market-has gone way under the gold basis. This means silver is less abundant to the market than gold. Here is the picture.The blue line is the ratio of the gold basis to the silver basis (and red is the ratio of...Read More
Hope is not an investing Gary Tanashian from Notes From The Rabbit HoleThese daily charts are flipped over to a view that is 'anti' their normal selvesI have often referred to the improbably bullish (to many; NFTRH has tracked and respected the bullish dollar for a year now) US dollar as an anti-market, the liquidity collector from the global liquidity-driven and speculative mess c...Read More
With the US dollar's reserve currency status under threat...Latifa Alkhanjary via KinesisIn this week's Live from the Vault, Andrew Maguire offers a long-term outlook on the implementation of the BRICS currency basket, with the US dollar's reserve currency status under threat.The precious metals expert speaks on the forthcoming unwinding of the derivatives market and forecasts a large-scale revalu...Read More
Only one person has been consistently right about silver for the last two years and nailed the call, and now...(by Half Dollar) I've lost count, and I'm not sure I'd remember if I tried to write them all down, but I know that at the very least, I'm on my thirty-something-ish vehicle, including motorcycles but excluding the Army.Needless to say, I've been testing out this six-speed manual, four-whe...Read More
"...billions and billions and billions of's all going to play into the new monetary system..."by Bix Weir of Road to RootaWe are being lied to by our Governments about who we are and why we are here. They control what you get to see and they decide what you get to understand. THEY need to be REMOVED if we want to return to become Free & Sovereign Individuals once again!Read More
Gold and silver have maintained their purchasing power while our fiat money has David Morgan of The Morgan ReportWhat Can Two Bits Buy? |"Two bits" or "two bit" continues in general use as a colloquial expression, for 25 ?.David shows how gold and silver have maintained their purchasing power while our fiat money has not.Watch this video on What Can Two Bi...Read More
Surely they're drooling to show what "freedom" and "liberty" mean in the silver market...(by Half Dollar) Independence Day is coming up.Is that still a thing?Moreover, is the silver price smash around opportune times still a thing?If so, with everybody either broke, distracted, or thoroughly numb at this point, the next price smash may not just take on special meaning but could also be pretty brut...Read More
The data shows that gold, silver, and commodities are repeating the conditions that led to...Chris Vermeulen with Patrick V. on Silver Bullion TVWe are joined on Metal Money by Chris Vermeulen, founder of Technical Traders Ltd, as we review the data that shows gold, silver, and commodities are repeating the conditions that led to the precious metals and commodities bull market of the early 2000s.F...Read More