Silver Articles

Why are people buying silver and gold?

May 5th, 2010 / Jason Hommel

Many people today are cashing out their CD's to buy silver and gold. Why?The obvious. The CD's pay next to zero interest, and gold and silver continue to head up by 20-30% per year. Most of our gold and silver buying customers have completely lost faith in the government's ability to "run" the economy, but more than that, there is a real fear of the government today, that it will turn dram...Read More

Speech: Why Silver is Money (Phoenix Show Workshop)

February 25th, 2009 / Jason Hommel

Welcome. Thank you!I'm very honored to be here. My name is Jason Hommel. I'm the Editor of the Silver Stock Report. This last year, I started dealing in silver, selling silver, at and I learned a lot more about the silver trade. My speech today is on why silver is money, even though no nation on earth uses silver as money.In other words, my speech is on why 99.9% of human...Read More

Why Silver and Gold will go up, and by How Much

Octoer 28, 2011 / Jason Hommel

The government is spending $1500 billion more per year than they are getting in taxes. They are not borrowing this money; they are printing it. There is no political will to fix the problem. The "Occupy Wall Street" protests are about a protest against the Wall Street bailouts, but also, it's about the 99% wanting more government handouts than they are already getting, and already 43 milli...Read More

Peak Oil or Peak Silver?

Octoer 21, 2011 / Jason Hommel

There is a 50 year supply of oil in the ground, but only a 13 year supply of silver. This means that if peak oil is true, then peak silver is more true, that we will run out of silver, first. If that happens, you can forget about peak oil, because without silver, we won't have any computers or electronics to be able to go out and explore for, or pump, or deliver, any oil.But wait, see, 10 year...Read More

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