Mines Management.I own shares.The company has not paid me to write this article.That means I benefit financially only if my investment does well.Some people think Mines Management is "too good to be true".I know there is a lot of bad sentiment in the sector.Many people seem to be experiencing fear, doubt, anger at the losses over the last three years of a bear market in the gold and silver sector....Read More
Mines Management.I own shares.The company has not paid me to write this article.The rally in Mines Management stock is not nearly over, and could run from $1.20/share to over $3/share in the next week or month, even with silver prices remaining flat.Silver has rallied 10% in the last three weeks, from under $20 to nearly $22.Here's a few resulting silver stock price movements.In the last three wee...Read More
Short term price movements of silver should not be the leading driver for investors. Silver is volatile, that's a commonly accepted fact. For instance, silver closed on February 13, 2014 at $21.42, while 50 days earlier, on December 26, 2013, it closed at $19.88, a 7.7% price increase in 50 calendar days. For some historical perspective, silver moved in 50 days from $27.88 (April 9, 2013) to...Read More
www.minesmanagement.com(ticker: MGN) Mines Management. I own shares. The company has not paid me in any way, neither in stock or cash.Mines Management stock is trading around $.98/share as of Feb 13, 2014.Here are three ways to get a projected share price for an advanced stage mining project stock such as Mines Management.1.Net present Value of projects (NPV).2.Comparative value of resources. (re...Read More
Mines Management.I own shares.The company has not paid me to write this article. www.minesmanagement.com(ticker: MGN) The market cap is $22 million, at $.77/share http://finance.yahoo.com/q?s=mgn&ql=1 Mines management, once in full production, can gross $264 million or more per year for 30 years. From http://www.minesmanagement.com/montanore-overview.php "The project has already undergone extensiv...Read More
Mines Management.I own shares.The company has not paid me to write this article. www.minesmanagement.com Market Cap: $20 million at $.70/share Primary Asset: Montanore Project.Net Present Value about $700 million.Source: page 10 of the recent company presentation.Company Presentation.pdf Let the PDF load for a bit, be patient. If the stock price goes up to match the net present value of the proje...Read More
The silver market is tiny. About 700 million oz. of silver are mined each year worldwide. About 200 million oz. recycled. About 100 million oz. from "other" sources, like governments. That's the supply side. At $20/oz., this is a $20 billion annual market. On the demand side, most all or more of the silver that is mined each year is consumed and used up by industry. Only 100 million...Read More
People ask me, "How will I sell my silver if the dollar dies, or during chaotic times?" Or, "If there are no dollars, what would I sell my silver for?" Another variation of this question is, "Why would I want silver if I can't spend it?" And advanced traders ask, "What is the exit strategy?" Good questions. I think that part of the reason this is a popular concern about silver is that it's tru...Read More
Warren Buffet explained why he does not see the value in gold in his annual report from 2011. http://www.berkshirehathaway.com/letters/2011ltr.pdfhttp://ivanhoff.com/2013/04/15/warren-buffett-on-gold/It was republished by ivanhoff, and came to my attention last week, which gave me this occasion to respond. Here I go.Buffett:The second major category of investments involves assets that will n...Read More
I am working in my shops due to slow business conditions. I think I'll have to write more, too!The JH MINT store in Grass Valley will be open Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 11am to 4pm.The JH MINT store in Auburn will be open Tuesday and Thursday same shorter hours.Since I wrote my last article about how the wild price changes are likely designed to convince people to not buy silver and gold...Read More
Here are most of the comments from my readers on this article from last night:Wild Price Changes September 15th, 2013 http://silverstockreport.com/2013/wild-price-changes.htmlThese comments are especially important on this topic, because the encouraging feedback is important when I'm mostly guessing, and when evidence and facts are thin. Every comment was encouraging, none disagreed. Think...Read More
I have been a bit amazed by silver's wild price changes lately. People have asked me to comment on it. I have my thoughts, so I'll share.The price swings reinforce that the silver market is tiny, and the paper money markets are oversized.The price swings show that the paper money market is gravely threatened by the silver market.The price swings indicate that the paper money printers are pushi...Read More
These are the comments from my article yesterday:The Unifying Theme of Bible Prophecy; the Punishment for Usuryhttp://silverstockreport.com/2013/usury-punishment.html Punishment for Usury: commentsHi Jason,Thanks! I love it.You can never write too much or "preach" too much against usury! It is "Biblical Economics" not Keynesian or Austrian Economics...nor is it Libertarianism or Statism...it is...Read More
I feel like I have discovered one of the most important principles in Bible Prophecy, and it answers many of my own questions about the parables of Jesus, and it ties together nearly everything I have learned of Bible Prophecy.The biggest mystery and unanswered question that I had, after my study of the prophecy of the rapture, was about the parables of Jesus. Many of the parables are on the sub...Read More
1. As the currency goes down, everything else goes up at roughly the same rate. Not true.2. The law today will be the law tomorrow during hyperinflation. Not true.3. I'll be able to ride it out here in the back woods of Colorado or Alabama during hyperinflation. Maybe, and maybe not.4. There is no risk of inflation when the bigger risk is deflation. Not true.5. The dollar will no...Read More
When? When? When?Many people ask me, "When will silver take off, and really rise?"This is a good question! I don't know. But I have four standard answers, all good ones!I like this question, because I know that the person asking this question really knows the fundamental reasons why silver is expected to rise. But let me review some of the strongest reasons briefly.Money printing is out of c...Read More
Many people offer well meaning, well intentioned advice. And so much of it is worse than worthless, but actually harmful! In school, we are taught to listen, and regurgitate what they tell us. Our parents are always teaching us to listen to them. And I'm mostly that way with my two young boys, too. But I also try to teach them to really think.So, who does teach us to stop and think for o...Read More
Silver has declined from nearly $50/oz. two years ago to under $20/oz. today.Clearly, the bull market in silver and gold is over, and silver is headed back to five dollars per ounce, and for good reasons.Obviously, Obama's wise economic policies are finally beginning to cause the economy to bloom, with balanced budgets on the horizon that the government has just not yet told us about, but the sil...Read More
We buy and sell silver and gold at www.jhmint.com. Call (530) 273-8175 to order now!Sometimes, we run low on cash, because we just bought too much of one item. Now is such a time. We have excess gold bars, so the price is cheaper than normal.3% over spot. While supplies last.Typically, these bars are 5% to 6% over spot, and in tight markets, can be as high as 10% or more over spot.Jason Ho...Read More
Pastors! Are you overworked? Do less! It's God's Way!Are you bored in Church? Show the pastor this!Two or three prophets should speak, and the others should weigh carefully what is said. And if a revelation comes to someone who is sitting down, the first speaker should stop. For you can all prophesy in turn so that everyone may be instructed and encouraged. The spirits of prophets are subject to t...Read More