Palisade Research April 12, 2017 Category: Research Northern Sphere Mining Corp (CNSX:NSM)Current Price: C$0.405Shares Outstanding: 25.9 millionMarket Capitalization: C$10.5 million52-Week Range: C$0.17-C$0.85Cash: ~C$2.3 millionTotal Liabilities: ~C$2.4 millionIf you ask any successful mining investor what he looks for in a company, 99% of the time he will begin with management. Identifying seri...Read More
Palisade Research April 5, 2017 Category: Research Source Exploration (CVE:SOP, FRA:4QW1, OTCMKTS:SRXLF)Current Price: C$0.27Shares Outstanding: 26.3 millionMarket Capitalization: C$7.1 million52-Week Range: C$0.02-C$0.37Cash: ~C$1.2 millionTotal Liabilities: ~C$0.8 millionAt 24 years of age, Matt Geiger is one of the brightest and youngest minds in the resource space.In 2011 he dropped out of the...Read More
Palisade Research March 14, 2017 Category: Research Triumph Gold Corp. (CVE:TIG, FRA:8N61, OTCMKTS:NFRGF)Current Price: C$0.38Shares Outstanding: 59.7 millionMarket Capitalization: C$22.7 million52-Week Range: C$0.07 - C$0.50Cash: ~C$6.3 million Original Write-Up Here Will Triumph Gold be the next Kaminak? No. We believe it will be much larger. As stated in our original write-up, Triumph's flagshi...Read More
The gold move up $100 and $50 pullback on the Brexit vote is hard to understand and put together.Supposedly, and commonly reported, gold is a safe haven, the exit vote was not expected, and so the uncertainty of the move drives people to gold.Nope, nope, nope, that's how things might work, but I don't see that at all.The EU is socialism; a dying socialist basket case.Britain getting out of that sh...Read More
I fear that if the dollar collapses, masses of Americans may die.If.May.But what is killing us now?In the freedom movement, people have recently been pointing to police officers killing up to 1200 people in 2015. this is a problem, it is a relatively small number compared to other numbers of other regular, preventable, ongoing deaths.People co...Read More
I don't follow any of this exactly, as I make mistakes, and cheat. If someone tried to adopt this all at once, they might get violently ill and/or suffer a candida die-off reaction, or reaction against their medicines. It took me over 4 years to slowly adopt to and learn to eat this way, and I'm still learning.1. Many people lie to you about nutrition advice. It's like any other subject, full of f...Read More
How can a company that is not currently producing silver be one of the top-performing silver stocks in 2016, up nearly 250% year to date?To see our reasoning behind this stock pick and why we think it will continue to outperform, I want to share a few more details about it.It's all about the resource! Jason Hamlin's top silver stock pick for 2016 truly has a world-class, high-grade asset. Their mi...Read More
You don't need me to tell you silver hit a high of $17.79 on April 21st yesterday.I have been looking for signs that we definitely hit the bottom.I think I found it.One of the best silver stocks in the sector is now up over 200% since January.When I saw that, I thought it might even be too late to buy in.But this stock is still 85% below its former high in April, 2011.Many of the old timers were t...Read More
Robert De Niro introduced a new film, "VAXXED" to his film festival, and then pulled it, both actions generating lots of news.Link: naturalnews.comIf De Niro can share his view and backpedal in 24 hours, I can share my steady view of the last 8 years.If the media can tell the nation to not see a movie that the media itself has not even seen, I can share what I know from years of study.At least thr...Read More
I hope you will carefully consider four business ideas which I will share with you.Some may consider them to be great business ideas, others might consider them scams, depending on your perspective.If you can keep in mind what I presented in my last email about the implications of interest rates -- all of that might be helpful to understand the following business plans, which might also help you t...Read More
What will the price of silver be in 2021? You can find articles suggesting the price of silver will be over $1,000 and under $10. Perhaps this is the wrong question.A better approach: The global financial system is increasingly unstable and fragile, more so than in 2008. The important question is: How will governments, central banks and financial systems respond to the ongoing crisis? Future price...Read More
If you are going to be a successful investor, then you need to know crucial facts about various implications of various growth rates.I have provided 9 examples below, and thought provoking questions after each one.Today's email is sponsored by Mines Management, who is providing me with 5000 shares, to share the following news.After 11 long years, they finally got their permit on a billion dollar s...Read More
Two years ago, I was promoting MGN stock, a silver copper mine developer.They finally got their final permit after 11 years.Who knew it would take so long?The project was previously permitted in 1993!$100 million was spent developing the project by the previous owners, and $75 million by the current owners.Yet, the current market cap of MGN is not $175 million or more, but rather, $14.8 million.LI...Read More
In my last two newsletters, I asked the question, "How can I do this better or differently than I have done in the past? Help me. Help me reach the masses. What will it take? How do we do it? I want to start a movement. A revolution. A peaceful economic revolution. How does this happen? I don't know. God help me."I got over 500 responses, 100 of which I posted at the bottom of my last article, so...Read More
How do we reach the masses?Please note.You can share your comments on this article, and help me brainstorm the question, by leaving your suggestions at the bottom of the web asked you, my readers, in my last newsletter, "How can I do this better or differently than I have done in the past? Help me. Help me reach the masses. What will it take? How do we...Read More
ISP's, admins, take note: This is not an unsolicited email.This is an opt-in email list, going out to 61,000 emails now, starting in 2003.Archives at silverstockreport.comWhen I created the first Silver Stock Report in September, 2003, it was in response to market demand. wanted to promote silver, because at $5/oz., I recognized silve...Read More
Every once in a while, we reiterate the importance of knowing the trend, in fact, calling the trend the number one piece of information. From it, everything else follows, in terms of knowing in which direction to base trade decisions.2014 and 2015 were viewed as turnaround years for gold and silver, with expectations that price would rally to new, never before seen prices. In a little over a m...Read More
Mines Management.I own shares.The company has not paid me to write this article.That means I benefit only if the stock goes up.Mines Management is a company stock that I feel can can rise from about $1.20 to about $20-$80/share.See my link below on why this stock is likely to do very well, even if silver prices reamin at $20/oz.Mines Management: $1.50 to $20-$80/share. March 14th, 2014Excerpt:1. N...Read More
I own Mines Management Stock; and Mines Management has not paid me, neither in cash, nor stock, to write this article.That means I make money only if the stock goes up in value.Mines Management stock is trading around $1.50/share as of March 13, 2014.Here are three ways to value the stock:1. NPV: price target: $27.5/share2. Resource leverage: 113:1 or 250:13. Expected PE ratio: price target $41/sh...Read More
sent to: info@glencorexstrata.comI own Mines Management Stock; and nobody has compensated me, nor contacted me, nor contracted with me, to write this letter.In 1992, twenty two years ago, Noranda did exploration drilling and final permitting for the Montana based silver/copper Montanore project, which is now owned by Mines Management: ticker MGN, a tiny market cap stock of $43 million dollars.Nora...Read More