Silver Articles

Video: Gold or Gold Stocks?

July 10th, 2012 9pm / Jason Hommel Lyndie Lou's latest video report on Emgold stock. Or read the text below, which you can also read in the description of the video above at youtube.Hi, I'm Lyndsie Lou, speaking on behalf of JH MINT.JH MINT incorporated believes gold prices are still low, because certain gold stocks are still so cheap. This reflects the truth that the public...Read More

Video: Gold Prices Will Go Up For Years To Come!

July 5th, 2012 / Jason Hommel share this 3 minute video clip of Lyndsie Lou reviewing the basics on why Gold Prices will go up for years to come.Share with your rich uncles, brothers or fathers or grandfathers. Forward this to busy CEOs. Share with VIPs. Share this with money managers you may know. Share with all your friends whom you care about. Share this with your m...Read More

Interest Rates Low; Gold Prices Up!

June 30th, 2012 / Jason Hommel

JH MINT, Inc., has over $1 million of silver and gold to sell. Visit us at www.jhmint.comWhy hold bonds that pay 3% or less, when gold, on average, has been up an average of 18% per year since the year 2000? And silver has done better!Silver and gold will continue to rise for years to come because the government continues to spend money it does not have.If you invested $10,000 into bonds paying...Read More

Essential Things you Need to Know about Silver and Gold

June 24th, 2012 / Jason Hommel

The alluring and scintillating Lyndsie Lou gives a great verbal and visual presentation of these classic fundamentals at youtube.com metals are a great store of value. Why?To be a store of value:1 * It should be long lasting, durable, it must not be perishable. Gold does not decay, not even in seawater. Silver may tarnish, but only a little. This is why...Read More

Martin Armstrong: Wrong on Gold

June 19th, 2012 / Jason Hommel

On June 14th, Martin Armstrong bashed the idea that gold would be worth about $55,000 if there were no paper gold. He used only ridicule, not rational arguments, and he is wrong, as I will show.First, I will present two facts.The first fact is that all dollars are a form of paper gold, since they used to be a promise to deliver silver or gold on demand. Today, dollars are a form of defaulted g...Read More

Socialite says Socialism is Anti-Social

June 17th, 2012 / Jason Hommel

Socialite says that Socialism is Anti-Social the Link to watch the video at youtube.com other News:London surrenders London Metal Exchange"Hong Kong Exchange & Clearing has paid ?1.4bn for the London Metal Exchange, a company which makes ?11.2m operating profit - a multiple of more than 124 times."I...Read More

Lyndsie Lou: Gold Up 18%

June 14th, 2012 / Jason Hommel

The beautiful and charming Lyndsie Lou gives her report, a summary of this article, on why gold has been going up 18% for over a decade, and why gold is likely to increase at over 18% per year on averge in the future.Here's the link to see Lyndsie Lou right at youtube: Prices have gone up for nearly 12 years now and have stablized in recent months in a range around...Read More

Why do They Call it "Socialism"?

June 10th, 2012 / Jason Hommel

I have a 3 year old boy. I love him tremendously. He is very verbal, quite a thinker, very funny, sweet and thoughtful and considerate of others. He'll be 4 in less than two months, and his mom and I know that we have to increase his social skills, so this past week, I enrolled him into preschool. The goal is to aid his socialization, to help him to learn to get along with other children h...Read More

Video: Vote for Silver!

June 9th, 2012 / Jason Hommel

Watch the Lovely Lindsie Lou give a 2 minute presentation on the topic, "Vote for Silver". is the text in case you would rather read it:Robert Hemphill, the former credit manager of the Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, said:"Money is the most important subject intellectual persons can investigate and reflect upon. It is so important that our present...Read More

Gold Prices up 18% on Average

June 7th, 2012 / Jason Hommel

Gold Prices have gone up for nearly 12 years now and have stabilized in recent months in a range around $1600 per troy ounce. This is up 18% per year on average since $250/oz. in 2001. Americans have yet to understand gold, or get on board the 12 year bull market that started in 1999 and 2001.Worldwide, 2500 metric tonnes of gold are mined each year. A metric tonne contains 32,151 ounces, f...Read More

Silver Headed to $75-$125/oz. in 1-2 Years

June 2nd, 2012 / Jason Hommel

This article was re-published at the following locations, and may be worth re-reading, or reading a first time if you have not already done so.20 minute video commentary on my article:"REALIST NEWS - Could silver be headed for $75-$125 in the near future?" More

Most Popular Gold and Silver Coins and Bars

May 18th, 2012 / Jason Hommel

Here's the link to tables of JH MINT Sales data without commentary. who are ready to buy silver and gold often ask us, "Which should I buy?" and "What's the most popular?" It's the one ounce silver round! It's the clear winner.The sales volume data shows what's popular, and by how much. To my knowledge, no other bullion dealer has published such data ev...Read More

The Money Chart, 2012

May 7th, 2012 / Jason Hommel

It's important to review the fundamentals from time to time. It is important to not only study the current supply and demand for silver and gold, but potential demand. This potential demand is the total amount of money and/or assets that could be sold to buy silver, and is reflected in this study. Of the two, current vs. potential, I think potential demand is far more important, because it...Read More

What Good is it if you Can't Spend It?

April 26th, 2012 / Jason Hommel

Buying silver and gold today will likely be better than buying Microsoft or Apple stock way back when they first came out, and this article addresses the fundamental reasons why.People often ask, "What good is silver or gold if I can't spend it?" But that's exactly why we all should buy it! Low monetary demand means silver and gold are still cheap and undervalued liquid assets that investors sho...Read More

JP Morgan Silver Manipulation

April 11, 2012 / Jason Hommel

Allow me to bring you up to date on what you need to know about JP Morgan's manipulation of the silver market.It is being exposed, and JP Morgan is failing, and losing money on their scheme. On April 5th, we were given the gift of JP Morgan's Blythe Masters giving a TV interview on CNBC where she was trying to claim that JP Morgan does not hold any position in the silver market, but rather, is h...Read More

Silver Is Money

February 20th, 2012 / Jason Hommel

I was very pleased today to read Eric Sprott write about how and why silver will return to use as a currency! I AGREE! process will start slowly, but can proceed very rapidly, once it starts. Fundamentally, it should start out with people first using silver as a form of savings. Our customers do this...Read More

Biblical Capitalism

January 27th, 2012 / Jason Hommel

I've been increasingly dissatisfied with the term "capitalism". It seems to suggest that capital is more important than people, and in a sense, under our current form of capitalism, it is. But people should have more rights than money itself. And people are more important than monetary growth. The problem with monetary growth, purely for the sake of growth, is that monetary growth is inhe...Read More

What Should the Gold Price Be?

November 16th, 2011 / Jason Hommel

You will often read how various experts in the financial press will say that the gold price "should be" about $2000/oz., to $3000/oz., or slightly higher. But what they almost never say is how they arrived at their figures, and what assumptions they are making.The reality is that the gold price, today, given today's conditions, should be about what it is right now.But conditions are likely to ch...Read More

Super Low Premiums!

November 14th, 2011 / Jason Hommel

How does a market making bullion dealer decide the prices of bullion products over spot (called the price premium)? Supply and demand. We now have a customer willing to sell a large amount of bullion to us. This one customer is helping to tilt the scales of market demand so that prices are now lower for all bullion items. But also, market conditions have changed, as lower demand creates lo...Read More

The Dollar is Done - Deal with It

November 7th, 2011 / Jason Hommel

Psychologists tell us that there are five stages of grief over loss of whatever kind, usually death, or breaking up with a loved one, which are: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, acceptance. I've applied these to the loss of the dollar, as I see most people today are still stuck in denial, and here's how to deal with that.Denial. Most people in America are in total denial. But the d...Read More

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