And to think, the system apologists get all offended when one questions the legitimacy of the data...(by Half Dollar) This morning, I wrote about the government's latest inflation report.I specifically spent some time discussing new vehicles, and I'd like to extrapolate the point even further.According to JD Power, in 1980, the retail price for a new Ford F-150 was $5,782:In other words, that was...Read More
Why did the price of silver fall?by Keith Weiner of Monetary-MetalsOn Friday, August 6, the price of silver fell from around $25.15 to a low around $24.25, or -3.6%. We were told, also on Friday, that this drop occurred at a "weird hour when there was no liquidity." In fact, it happened shortly after noon in London. We were earnestly assured that this proves the manipulation conspiracy theory beca...Read More
The aggressive effort to control the price of gold is an indicator that Dave Kranzler of Investment Research DynamicsIn the last FOMC policy announcement, the Fed announced that it is establishing a "standing" $500 billion repo facility open to domestic and foreign banks. A repo facility provides overnight or short term liquidity to the banking system. It moves liquidity around from banks...Read More
"Trustworthy Markets"?by Bix Weir of Road to Roota2 Bank of America silver traders were found GUILTY of manipulating the market for silver from 2008-2014...the SAME TIME that Gary Gensler was the Head of the CFTC!! And now he wants to lecture crypto investors about "Trustworthy Markets!" Give me a break!*** Please Note: If our comment section looks different, it's because we were served notice tod...Read More
The beatings will continue until morale improves?(by Half Dollar) Here's the question: Should we even be getting angry, much less mad, at the bullion banks, the COMEX, the LBMA, the CFTC, the SEC, and all of those other gold & silver price rigging entities?After all, they're just doing what they do.Meh.Doesn't matter.I can't even say the "United" States is hurtling towards fascist-totalitarianism...Read More
The diminishing effect of the stimulus is not just staggering, but the increasingly short impact of these programs is Daniel Lacalle via MisesThe United States economy recovered at a 6.5 percent annualized rate in the second quarter of 2021, and gross domestic product (GDP) is now above the prepandemic level. This should be viewed as good news until we put it in the context of the...Read More
Sick of the manipulation? It's simple, really. The problem is, 99.999% of the silver "advocates" out there are fakes, frauds and phonies. The real silver advocates are cast into exile...(by Half Dollar) Here's the lame excuse, the lie, really, that disgusts me the most: "But I take my 'profits' out of the 'market' and use them to buy physical silver to stick it to da man!".However, even if a perso...Read More
It's truly amazing what a few extra zeros can do for one's financial wealth... by Steve St Angelo of SRSrocco ReportIt's truly amazing what a few extra zeros can do for one's financial wealth. Today, we have a new past-time of adding zeros to make us feel rich. And, why not? We work hard, and we deserve it. So, if the value of someone's house goes up 45-50% in a few months or year, then b...Read More
The manipulation of SILVER and GOLD by criminal banks and the Comex, which if it didn't exist, would leave us with at least $227 per ounce silver TODAY!Tyler Wall and James Anderson with Sean on SGTreportTyler Wall & James Anderson join me to quantify the manipulation of SILVER and GOLD by criminal banks and the Comex, which if it didn't exist, would leave us with at least $227 per ounce silver TO...Read More
The idea of cornering the silver market is a tall order. However, that doesn't mean that...*****Editor's Note: This is Part II of a 2-part article. Click here for Part I.*****by Claudio Grass via Claudiograss.chCase in point: Silver "apes" One of the most astounding elements of this shift in retail investing is the proof it offers for what many of us knew along: When people can freely and direct...Read More
Misinformation makes no difference to price, other than in the shortest time horizon. If anything, it causes the price Keith Weiner of Monetary-MetalsWe're seeing the argument, again, that silver stocks are being consumed in solar panels, medical applications, and of course, electronics. This argument has a certain temptation. After all, the standard assumption is that value is inversely p...Read More
We're down in silver because commercial interests suppress the price by artificial means to get others to sell. So in every price decline, the...Ted Butler on Palisades Gold RadioTed discusses the Comex's 'commercials,' composed chiefly of banks and financial institutions which arguably aren't using the futures markets for legitimate reasons. They are speculators and are not legitimate hedgers. Th...Read More
What happens when more Americans realize that Treasuries, Bonds, and Dollars they own will become increasingly worthless in the future?Editor's Note: This article was written just before the 1.2 billion ounce miracle deposit into the COMEX silver "market".*****by Steve St Angelo of SRSrocco ReportSmart silver investors now hold more Silver Eagles than the total inventories at the iShares SLV ETF o...Read More
We shouldn't be concerned about the short-term movement or weakness in the silver price because... by Steve St Angelo of SRSrocco ReportThe U.S. Financial System is heading towards an Epic Meltdown. At this time, most financial assets will lose value, even the U.S. Dollar. While the Federal Reserve has been able to prop up the U.S. Economy & Financial System, this isn't something that can go...Read More
Silver may rally above $40 to $50 near the end of 2021 or in early 2022 before eventually settling Chris Vermeulen of The Technical TradersOur followers and readers have been emailing us asking for more research into Precious Metals and updated Adaptive Dynamic Learning (ADL) Price Modeling charts (our proprietary price/technical mapping system capable of predicting future trends, setups...Read More
How many times do we need to PROVE SILVER MANIPULATION before it comes to an end? 10? 100? 1,000?? What happens Bix Weir of Road to RootaHow many times do we need to PROVE SILVER MANIPULATION before it comes to an end? 10? 100? 1,000?? What happens when the REGULATORS are part of the Rigging Operation? Do we need a REVOLUTION to take back our Free Markets?!Click Here for CFTC Judge Paint...Read More
Silver is the only commodity that is not reaching its historic highs (1980 & 2011). We're going to see that high breached in the cycle, David Morgan of The Morgan ReportSilver is the only commodity that is not reaching its (historic) highs, and it has reached (those highs) on two separate occasions, back in 1980 and 2011. I think we're going to see that high breached in the cycle, and whe...Read More
Unfortunately, it's all eyes on the Fed this week. Here's what it means for gold & silver...(by Half Dollar) I use the word "unfortunate" because people are thinking about the Fed all wrong.That is to say, don't even think about things changing for the better in the markets or in the economy until we take the very first step ourselves, which is to think about the Fed differently, and, more importa...Read More
Is there still hope for a renewed rally, or is silver a lost cause? by Craig Hemke via Sprott Money NewsIt has been a challenging and frustrating year thus far for COMEX silver. Inflation is raging while interest rates are falling, yet COMEX silver prices are down year-to-date. This has left many silver investors wondering: Is there still hope for a renewed rally, or has all of this become a lost...Read More
This is not silver "advocacy" in any way. This is an absolute disgrace...(by Half Dollar) There's not a whole lot of use and pretty much zero truth in the news these days.I mean, people still believe that man landed on the moon.Wow.I scan the news for a second or two, and only to skim the headlines.Anyway, this morning, in scanning the "investment news", which nowadays is mostly nothing more than...Read More