Silver Articles

Key Break Out for Silver and Higher Highs

June 2, 2021 / Staff reporter

What does summer hold for the precious metals?Steve Penny with Matt from Silver Fortune on Silver FortuneSteve offers his thoughts on a strong month of May, what the summer holds for metals, and a natural resource market that could offer more upside than silver in the next few years.FULL SHOW NOTES AND LINKS HERE Read More

US Mint To Silver Bugs & Stackers: "Oops, Our Bad. Didn't Really Mean To Say The, Uh, You Know, 'S' Word..."

June 2, 2021 / Staff reporter

Just when Silver Bugs, Stackers and other Smart Investors were beginning to think that the US Mint was "on our side", the US Mint pulls off a classic!*****UPDATE 1, LITERALLY ONE MINUTE AFTER POSTING -We'll just let Biden (or someone, or some thing) give the update:Exercise your freedom to live without fear. Get vaccinated.- President Biden (@POTUS) June 2, 2021 You'll know why that's important wh...Read More

SILVER ALERT! $30 Within Sight, Then $1,000/oz SILVER!!

June 1, 2021 / Staff reporter

"'ll jump to $32/$33 and that will be the new floor..."by Bix Weir of Road to RootaThe US Mint has once AGAIN been caught RIGGING THE PRICE OF SILVER! 31 U.S. Code ? 5112(e) states "Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the Secretary shall mint and issue, in qualities and quantities that the Secretary determines are SUFFICIENT TO MEET PUBLIC DEMAND" ...It makes me sick to think that MY...Read More

Silver Miners' Fundamentals: Upside Potential Remains Good?

May 31, 2021 / Staff reporter

Despite excellent silver prices, silver-stock investing is a lot harder than it used to be. The major silver miners are pouring most of their growth capital Adam Hamilton of Zeal LLCThe silver miners' stocks have mostly been consolidating high since last summer. While they've enjoyed some sharp rallies, those have been within that sideways-grind trend. That lack of overall upside pro...Read More

Investors Flock To Safety Of Precious Metal As Online Silver Group Nears 100,000 Members

May 31, 2021 / Staff reporter

"...remember there's nothing more powerful than the truth..."by David Morgan of The Morgan ReportWall Street Silver near 100,000Wall Street Silver is a community that discusses precious metals, investments in physical silver and gold, ETFs, mining stocks, business news affecting precious metals, and entertainment.Watch this video on Wall Street Silver near 100,000, then please share with your frie...Read More

US Mint Admits A "Global Silver Shortage", Yet The Silver Price Is Still 220% From Its Inflation-Adjusted All-Time Record High Of $160! Probably Nothing...

May 28, 2021 / Staff reporter

Does the admission even matter, and what if inflation is, and has been for decades, severely understated?(by Half Dollar) A lot of people are talking about a certain US Mint Facebook post that went out regarding silver delays and whatnot.Of course, I told people to load up on Silver Eagles from the US Mint last October:And people who don't read very well misunderstood what I wrote in that article...Read More

Why The "Apes" (Wall Street Silver) WILL NOT Be Successful In Their Silver Squeeze Or In Ending The Manipulation Of Silver, And Why The Apes' ADVOCACY Is Now Not Just Full Of Deceit, But COUNTERPRODUCTIVE!

May 28, 2021 / Staff reporter

There are 80,000+ people being led astray, but hopefully, at least one of them will get this message and snap out of it... (by Half Dollar) Hey Wall Street Silver: Wanna debate this?Just send an email to "[email protected]" and I'll make it happen, for the one thing I think is great about Wall Street Silver is the willingness to call people out!Or is that not what they do?And I must say, it is so...Read More

Here's why silver premiums are still rising

May 27, 2021 / Staff reporter

" can't blow out the fiat monetary base like we've done and think that silver's not going to explode..."James Anderson with Chris Marcus of Arcadia EconomicsHere's why silver premiums are still rising:James Anderson of SD Bullion joins me to explainTo find out more, click to watch the video now!FULL SHOW NOTES AND LINKS HERE Read More

#SilverSqueeze Making an Impact

May 26, 2021 / Staff reporter

While it's difficult to quantify the impact this is having on the digital derivative price, there's no doubt that there have been... by Craig Hemke via Sprott Money NewsIt has been four months since the #SilverSqueeze movement began on Reddit and Twitter. While it's difficult to quantify the impact this is having on the digital derivative price, there's no doubt that there have been major implica...Read More

A June Monthly Close Above $29 For Silver Signals Imminent Breakout

May 25, 2021 / Staff reporter

What comes next is scary...Patrick Karim with Patrick V. on Silver Bullion TVPatrick Karim: A May or June Monthly Close Above $29 For Silver Signals Imminent Breakout We are joined on Metal Money by Patrick Karim, veteran chart trader and founder of We review the relationship between the silver price, US dollar index, gold-silver ratio, and the M2 money supply from data of past deca...Read More

Watch out for silver "spoof" prior to options expiration

May 25, 2021 / Staff reporter

There are a few clues about how this is likely to play out...Jim Forsythe with Chris Marcus on Arcadia EconomicsWatch out for silver "spoof" prior to options expirationTuesday is silver options expiration on the COMEX. And with the way the board is lined up, there are a few clues about how this is likely to play out.To find out more, click to watch the video now!FULL SHOW NOTES AND LINKS HERE Read More

Silver: What Are We Fighting For?

May 24, 2021 / Staff reporter

It's not just "us" versus "them". It's way more complicated, and so much simpler, than that...(by Half Dollar) I've been thinking a lot about the War of 1812 lately.Anybody remember that war?Ha!Just kidding.Nobody remembers that war.Nonetheless, moving into the Summer of 2021, the United States seems to be heading more for a War of 1812 problem than a Civil War problem, and while there has been a...Read More

SILVER ALERT! Coming COMEX Silver Contract Equals 730Moz of Potential DELIVERIES!!

May 23, 2021 / Staff reporter

Don't expect much in Silver action until mid June as Bix Weir of Road to RootaDon't expect much in Silver action until mid June (only 3 weeks away!) as the JULY COMEX Delivery Month is shaping up to be a DOOZY! There's currently 730Moz of Silver Open Interest...all of which could be called for DELIVERY! Usually the banksters play their shell games but with the Congressional Meetings comin...Read More

Basel 3 the Silver bull

May 22, 2021 / Staff reporter

The situation with Silver due to Basel 3 is Korbinian Koller via Midas Touch ConsultingBasel 3, a voluntary regulatory framework to stress test central banks worldwide, requires banks to hold a percentage of assets back to deleverage their lendings. On June 28th, a new regulation will be set in place that disvalues unallocated gold paper contracts held against lendings. At the same tim...Read More

UH-OH: Perth Mint Goes On The Defensive About Silver!

May 21, 2021 / Staff reporter

"The Perth Mint completely refutes any claim that it is running a "fractional reserve" bullion storage program..."(by Half Dollar) Numbers.There's this funny thing about numbers, you know, and anybody who has ever seen first hand that "war is racket" understands this.That said, for some reason, everybody puts faith in the numbers.America has over 8,000 tons of gold?Check.Sovereign mint balance she...Read More

Silver Breaks Through $28 With No Silver To Be Had On EITHER Side Of The Atlantic Ocean!

May 18, 2021 / Staff reporter

How long can they keep this derivatives charade going?by Harvey Organ of Harvey Organ BlogMAY 17/SILVER BREAKS THROUGH $28.00 TO CLOSE AT $28.14//GOLD ALSO HAS A GOOD DAY UP $29.95 TO $1867.05//TONNAGE TONNAGE AT THE COMEX: UP TO 4.75 TONNES//SILVER OZ STANDING: 36 MILLION OZ//JUNE OI FOR 2021 HAS A HUGE 273,300 CONTRACTS REMAIN OPEN: WE WILL HAVE A DANDY JUNE 2021 GOLD TONNAGE STANDING FOR DELIVE...Read More

"Paper silver scheme is unraveling now"

May 18, 2021 / Staff reporter

If you wanted advance warning before the paper silver scheme unravels, here ya go!by Chris Marcus of Arcadia EconomicsIf you wanted advance warning before the paper #silver scheme unravels, here ya go!While I don't have a date or know the timeline, in this conversation with gold and silver legends Bill Holter and Jim Sinclair we discuss why the paper silver scheme is unraveling now!FULL SHOW NOTES...Read More

Major Battle In Silver Market = Much Higher Prices

May 18, 2021 / Staff reporter

Could we see a correction first? by Steve St Angelo of SRSrocco ReportCould we see a correction first?FULL SHOW NOTES AND LINKS HERE Read More

Dollar Debasement Makes Gold and Silver Shine

May 17, 2021 / Staff reporter

The prices of precious metals are going to surge in the back half of the year...Craig Hemke interviewed on USA Watchdog by Greg HunterFinancial writer, market analyst and precious metals expert Craig Hemke predicted last year (about this time) that silver was headed way up. It was up more than 45% for 2020 and was one of the best performing assets of the year. Now, Hemke is predicting "another 45%...Read More

Inflation soars, yet silver gets "tamped down" again

May 16, 2021 / Staff reporter

Although once again the Federal Reserve says its "temporary", and despite the spike, silver got Chris Marcus of Arcadia EconomicsOn Wednesday Wall Street posted one of its biggest inflation numbers in history.Although once again the Federal Reserve says its "temporary", and despite the spike, silver got pummeled. Read More

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