Silver Articles

Harvey Organ: Silver Open Interest Down 44,000+ Since Last Week's Record High

March 3, 2020 / Harvey Organ Blog

Open interest, however, still represents 143% of annual global silver production. Harvey explains in today's Harvey Organ of Harvey Organ BlogMARCH 2/GOLD REBOUNDS 27.00 DOLLARS UP TO $1595.30//SILVER UP 18 CENTS TO $16.77//MASSIVE 23,000 GOLD ISSUANCE OF EXCHANGE FOR PHYSICALS IN AN OBVIOUS FRAUD/HUGE GAIN ON THE DOW OF 1200 POINTS DUE TO PROBABLE RATE CUT//CORONAVIRUS STORIES//SWAMP...Read More

Keith Weiner: Silver Backwardation Returns, Gold And Silver Market

March 3, 2020 / Keith Weiner

The big news this week was the drop in the prices of the Keith Weiner of Monetary-MetalsThe big news this week was the drop in the prices of the metals (though we believe that it is the dollar which is going up), $57 and $1.81 respectively.Of course, when the price drops the injured goldbugs come out. We have written the authoritative debunking of the gold and silver price suppressio...Read More

Silver Seeker Report: This Week in Mining Issue #2

Sunday, March 1st / Chris Marchese

Chris MarcheseChief Mining Analyst, GoldSeek & SilverSeekWeek Ended Feb-28, 2020$BTG $KOR.TO $EDV.TO $GCM.TO $MAG $SKE.V $AUY B2Gold: The company finished 2019 very strong and had a record 2019. Production for the full year totaled 980k oz. Au. In 2020, production is forecast at 1m-1.055m oz. Q4 2019 all-in sustaining costs (AISC) came in at $882/oz. and cash flow from operations totaled $1...Read More

Silver Sells-Off, Falls To 16-Handle As Stock Market Continues To Crash

February 28, 2020 / Staff reporter

The carnage and chaos continues...(Silver Doctors Editors) The carnage in the stock market continues.Check out those plunges in the Dow:We gapped-down again today.Silver is showing a 16-handle:Enjoy that while it lasts.Let's take a trip back to the last time the stock market crashed:Silver began to fall after the stock market was falling, and bottomed before the stock market did.The question is,...Read More

Harvey Organ: Silver Is EXTREMELY CLOSE To All-Time Record High Open Interest

February 25, 2020 / Harvey Organ


Silver Seeker Report: This Week in Mining Issue #1

Sunday, February 23rd / Chris Marchese

Chris MarcheseChief Mining Analyst, GoldSeek & SilverSeekWeek Ended Feb-21, 2020$AXU $USAS $ $AG $FSM $KNT.v $GSV $KL $OR $SILV $PAAS $ $WGO.v Alexco: is in the process of divesting its profitable and fast-growing remediation business (AEG) to the AEG management group. On closing of the transaction AEG will be pay Alexco $12.1m in cash, with the balance of $1.25m payable pursuan...Read More

Harvey Organ: Silver Just Saw An ATMOSPHERIC Rise In Open Interest

February 20, 2020 / Harvey Organ Blog

The crooks are using copious amounts of paper silver, but they're haven't been able to knock silver's price down. Harvey Harvey Organ of Harvey Organ BlogFEB 19//GOLD UP $8.25 TO $1608.70//SILVER UP 23 CENTS TO $18.41//HUGE QUEUE JUMP IN GOLD LAST NIGHT//HUGE INCREASE IN COMEX GOLD AND HUGE ISSUANCE OF EXCHANGE FOR PHYSICALS//FOMC MINUTES CLAIM FED INTENDS TO TAPER PURCHASES OF T BIL...Read More

Mexican Congressman Calls On Govt To NOT EXPORT Mexican Silver, To Back The Peso With Silver, And Urges Citizens To Save In Silver!

February 19, 2020 / Silver Doctors Editors

Meanwhile in Mexico, "silver produced in Mexico should stay in Mexico and be used to strengthen the savings of the Mexican people"...(Silver Doctors Editors) Mexico is talkin' plata again!The Silver-Backed Mexican Peso that is!Meet Fernandez Norona:He's a federal politician in Mexico.He would be comparable to a Federal Congressman in the United States, and this month he's been fighting the good fi...Read More

Waiting On COMEX Silver - Craig Hemke

February 19, 2020 / Craig Hemke

We're not asking for a lot out of silver this year. Just a move to $20 and then on to $22. That sounds reasonable Craig Hemke via Sprott MoneySo far, it has been a great 2020 for COMEX Digital Gold, and this is playing out much as we forecast when the year began. However, as COMEX Digital Silver and the mining shares lag behind, frustration is building within the sector. So today, let'...Read More

The Silver Shorts Are Up Against The Trade!

February 17, 2020 / J. Johnson

Here's something that proves the idea of just how stuck the shorts are...submitted by J. Johnson via JS MinesetGreat and Wonderful Monday Folks,Gold is starting the week off in the red with April Gold at $1,584.20, down $2.20 after hardly dipping down to $1,581.80, with the "hardly a high" at $1,586.80. Silver is aiming at the opposite direction, trading in the green with the March contract at $1...Read More

ALERT! Silver Manipulation & The CFTC's "Revolving Door!" (Bix Weir)

February 13, 2020 / Bix Weir

The Con is so Bix Weir via Road to RootaDid you know that the Head of Enforcement at the CFTC when JP Morgan was rigging silver prices in 2010 is now the lead attorney in DEFENSE of JP Morgan's head of Silver Market Trading?! THEY BOTH BELONG IN JAIL FOR CONSPIRING TO RIG PRICES!! The Con is so Dark!Read More

David Morgan: Silver Most UNDERVALUED Metal Out There

February 12, 2020 / David Morgan

"Relative to all asset classes, I can't think of one that is more undervalued than silver. If you look at..."David Morgan interviewed by Greg Hunter on USA WatchdogPrecious metals expert and financial writer David Morgan says silver is still 65% off its all-time high and is a much better value than gold. Morgan points out, "Relative to all asset classes, I can't think of one that is more undervalu...Read More

Up-leg Remains Intact With BIG Silver Stock POTENTIAL

February 8, 2020 / Adam Hamilton

From a current-technicals standpoint, the silver stocks are looking better than the gold stocks these days!by Adam Hamilton of Zeal LLCThe silver miners' stocks are looking interesting. While they really lagged silver's surge on gold's bull-market-breakout rally last summer, their upleg since remains intact. Gold stocks' own upleg peaked in early September. And silver itself remains wildly u...Read More

Fortuna Silver Mines: Going for the Gold

Friday, February 7th / Chris Marchese

By Chris MarcheseChief Mining Analyst at GoldSeek & SilverSeekTicker: FSM (NYSE), FVI (TSX)Shares Outstanding: 160.2m (Basic), 164.5m (Fully Diluted)52 Week High-Low: $4.59-$2.39(2/05/2020) Fortuna Silver, one of the stalwarts amongst primary silver producers is now in the transition phase from deriving roughly and equal amount of revenue...Read More

WHY THE LEAK NOW?? End Game to DECADES Long Silver Price Manipulation?! (Bix Weir)

February 6, 2020 / Road to Roota

"It's all happening, right now as we speak!"by Bix Weir of Road to RootaLooks like JP Morgan is FINALLY being exposed as the engine behind Silver Price Manipulation for OVER A DECADE! WHY is this being leaked now? I think I know! Hang on tight. Read More

Ted Butler: Silver Shorts Are In A Bind

February 4, 2020 / Ted Butler

Are the concentrated short sellers about to be subject to a major squeeze?Ted Butler interviewed by Dunagun Kaiser on Reluctant Preppers?EURRead More


February 1, 2020 / Chris Vermeulen

Silver must begin to move dramatically higher in order to close this price disparity between the value of Gold to Chris Vermeulen of The Technical TradersFollowing up on some of our recent metals research, we wanted to alert our friends and followers to the incredible opportunity that still exists in Silver. We've highlighted two of our more recent articles for reference and review,...Read More

Markets & Economy Get Acute Symptoms Of Wuhan Coronavirus Infection, Silver Is The Cure

January 31, 2020 / in today’s Silver Doctors Live

SD Friday Wrap: Gold is relieving the symptoms right now, but very soon the people will realize that if they want the cure, then it's found in silver...Experience.Street-cred.Been there, done that, got the dang shaft.Or whatever it is that they say?Been around the block?Oh yeah, that too.Indeed I have.Let's see.Now.Here's an example - cars and trucks.I like driving them, and I like owning them.We'...Read More

Bix Weir: SILVER ALERT!! Ready To Rock As Regulators May Do SOMETHING About Position Limits?!

January 31, 2020 / Bix Weir

Imagine a silver price without the Silver Rigging Bix Weir via Road to RootaThe CFTC has been delaying implementing position limits for 50 years BUT they are voting on it (again) tomorrow!! Imagine a silver price without the Silver Rigging Whales!! We will see what happens but there are many ways to destroy a silver rigger ??(TM),Read More

Cartel Gives Silver "Industrial Commodity" Look, Silver Will Show Otherwise (Likely By Week's End)

January 29, 2020 / NYPost

SD Midweek Update: The Gold-to-silver ratio shot up to 90 as silver gets taken behind the woodshed, but the beating will likely not last long...Thank you cartel!For what?The flash sale on silver!That's what.You see, the cartel is still up to its Dollar Tree magic tricks attempting to signal a certain thing to the world: The global economy is at the very minimum slowing down, as is the demand for c...Read More

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