Additionally, either the miners are cheap, or gold is rich. Michael Michael Ballanger via Streetwise ReportsThere is a local casino just "up the road" from where we reside that we visit (once in a blue moon), small sums of pocketed cash in hand, to play a few favored slot machines to see if we can defy the house odds and come home winners. Called The Great Blue Heron Casino, we have...Read More
"...we expect to keep this long position active only for several days."by Przemyslaw Radomski via Sunshine ProfitsNot much happened yesterday and our yesterday's comments regarding long position in silver remain up-to-date. The white metal didn't soar immediately, but that doesn't change anything. Before, we proceed with commenting on yesterday's price moves and discussing the current short-t...Read More
Great performance doesn't mean they are better than silver and gold, Matt From Silver Fortune via Silver FortuneGreat performance doesn't mean they are better than silver and gold, though. Read More
January Silver Deliveries continue to make anyone who watches these antics frustrated because the cloud of secrecy continues...submitted by J. Johnson via JS MinesetGreat and Wonderful Thursday Morning Folks, Gold is lower in the early morning with the trade at $1,560.00 (April Contract) down $3 and recovering from the London Bop at $1,557.50 with the high to beat at $1,569.40. March Silve...Read More
Yesterday we said if the cartel could smash, they would smash. Some might call it a flash-sale, however, which could end at any moment...(Silver Doctors Editors) As stated in yesterday's outlook, the next two weeks could see some random smashes on price here and there.On Tuesday morning, it seems the cartel is wasting no time.The selling was heavy into the COMEX open:Gold is holding up slightly b...Read More
The Fed still has yet to admit that it's running another quantitative easing Chris Marcus with Marc Faber via Arcadia EconomicsWhile the Federal Reserve still has yet to admit that it's running another quantitative easing campaign, Dr. Marc Faber of the Gloom Boom and Doom Report explained how in reality, when the Fed started QE in 2008, that was the beginning of QE to infinity.Dr. F...Read More
Silver could drop to support in the $16 area without doing any significant technical Clive Maund via StreetwiseTechnical analyst Clive Maund charts silver and predicts a small drop in the price of the metal.If gold is looking set to react back over the short to medium term, which it does, then it implies that silver, which is weaker at this stage in the cycle, is set to react back too....Read More
Many continue to look at the bank and its CEO Jamie Dimon as modern day financial Chris Marcus with James Anderson via Arcadia Economics#JPMorgan's Unanswered Questions in The #Silver Market: James AndersonDespite being charged with the Rico Act for their manipulation of the #silvermarket, many continue to look at the bank and its CEO #JamieDimon as modern day #financial heroes.But #Ja...Read More
Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | Android | Email | Stitcher | RSSSilver could blow through $50 like a hot knife blows through butter and then keep on moving, and it could happen very fast...David Morgan of The Morgan Report interviewed by Half Dollar of Silver DoctorsDavid returns to Silver Doctors on Thursday, January 16th, 2020, for a robust discussion on:With th...Read More
Precious metals got off to an explosive early start to 2020 as tensions between the U.S. and Iran drove safe-haven buying.Of course, gold and silver markets will need more than a geopolitical flare up to drive a long-term bull market advance.The question for investors is whether the fundamental picture now looks promising or fleeting.In our view, the fundamentals are turning in favor of higher go...Read More
If Silver does what we expect it to do once this setup/trigger really breaks open, Silver could rally 500%+ over 12 to 24+ Chris Vermeulen of The Technical TradersThis, the second part of our Silver research article suggesting Silver may be forming a massive price base in preparation for an explosive upside move, will continue from Part I of this research series.Our research team beli...Read More
Silver may not be going to $50 tomorrow, but 2020 looks like it's going to be a very interesting year. Here's Rory Hall from The Daily Coin with Chris MarcusSubscribe, ReSubscribe, Share and LikeThanks for watching, listening and sharing.Visit Chris Marcus - https://arcadiaeconomics.comVisit Rory - https://www.thedailycoin.orgI sat down with Chris Marcus, Arc...Read More
Everyone seems to be focused on Gold recently while ignoring the real upside potential in Chris Vermeulen of The Technical TradersEveryone seems to be focused on Gold recently and seems to be ignoring the real upside potential in Silver. With all the global economic issues, military tensions, geopolitical issues, and other items continually pushed into the news cycles, it is easy to...Read More
Silver's open interest is rising and within 10,000 contracts of its record high...submitted by J. JohnsonGreat and Wonderful Monday Morning Folks, Gold is trading at $1,554.40, down $5.70 after being dipped to $1,547.00 with the starting point high at $1,563.10. Silver is down 8 cents at $18.025 after going below the Maginot line again hitting $17.940 before it recovered with the high at...Read More
Silver looks extraordinarily cheap here, with its price being way below its 2011 highs, especially taking inflation into account, Clive Maund of Streetwise ReportsWhile silver's charts do not yet look as positive as gold's, that is normal at this early stage in the cycle, when gold is favored over silver, which attracts more speculative interest as the bull market progresses.Nevertheless...Read More
SD Friday Wrap: It looks like silver's run is only just getting started. Here are not one, not two, but several reasons why...*****Editor's Note: These charts were set-up before 1:00 p.m., and they do not include price action after that time.*****Silver put in a nice, strong move this week.Not many people were looking for silver to rally, but I was, and I imagine most people now think the rally h...Read More
We're witnessing serious banker short covering in silver, and we are also just saw a humongous increase in silver's open interest. Here's an Harvey Organ of Harvey Organ BlogDEC 24//THE ASSAULT ON 1500 DOLLAR GOLD AND 18 DOLLAR SILVER BEGINS: GOLD UP $14.60 TO $1499.75//SILVER UP 32 CENTS TO $17.75//GOLD:$1499.75 UP $14.60 (COMEX TO COMEX CLOSINGSilver:$17.75 UP 32 CENTS (COMEX...Read More
Gold's break-out looks awesome, but silver's break-out looks even better!by Stewart Thomson of Graceland UpdatesDec 24, 2019Massive upside breakouts are taking place across the precious metals sector. Many mining stocks, especially silver-oriented, are skyrocketing.Unfortunately, I believe most investors who are Trump fans have become over-obsessed with the relatively minor but media-promoted...Read More
What is value, and why do gold and silver excel in the role of maintaining value?by Matt From Silver Fortune via Silver FortuneWhat is value, and why do gold and silver excel in the role of maintaining value?Read More
Are gold & silver answering so many of the questions that Wall Street institutions can't?by Chris Marcus with Rob Kientz via Arcadia EconomicsIt's interesting to notice how people arrive at the conclusion of gold and silver from so many different areas of life. Perhaps because the metals answer so many questions that Wall Street's institutions can't.Which is what happened with Rob Kientz of GoldS...Read More