Silver Articles

Keith Neumeyer: Big Institutional Money Is Moving Back Into Silver

August 13, 2019 / Palisade Radio

Silver is a very misunderstood metal, but for Keith, silver is a...Palisade Radio interviews Keith NeumeyerKeith discusses the early days of building First Majestic Silver. People thought he was crazy to start a silver company, but they are now one of the top five silver producers on the planet. Silver is a very misunderstood metal, but for Keith, it is a strategic metal that the world will contin...Read More

Harvey Organ: Banks Are Covering Their Silver Shorts

August 13, 2019 / Harvey Organ


David Morgan: What's Going On In The Silver Market?

August 13, 2019 / Chris Marcus

As the silver price continues to rally, some interesting signs have emerged...Chris Marcus from Arcadia Economics interviews David MorganAs the silver price continues to rally, some interesting signs have emerged. And given all that's happening, I was fortunate to talk with David Morgan of The Morgan Report. Who may well be more qualified than just about anyone in the world to make sense of what'...Read More

SMASHBURGER: Silver Hit For Nearly $1.00 Loss, Gold Comes Under Heavy "Selling" Pressure

August 13, 2019 / per Bloomberg

There's a flash sale on silver. Here are the details...Silver was hit especially hard:What the heck is going on?Well, reports are coming in that there is good news on the trade war front.The stock market surged as did the US dollar index:Pretty impressive all around.Here's the reason given, per Bloomberg:HFT algos love that title.And what the article contained:The trade headlines sparked demand fo...Read More

Bill Murphy: There Will Be Sudden, Panic Buying Of Silver

August 12, 2019 / Greg Hunter

"Silver is going to be a home run. It actually just started..."Greg Hunter of USAWatchdog interviews Bill MurphyBill Murphy, Chairman of the Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee (GATA) is most bullish on silver. Murphy says, "For anyone that wants to get involved in precious metals, silver is going to be a home run. It actually just started. . . . Gold goes first because the physical market is tight....Read More

Is Silver Demand Overwhelming Physical Supply On The COMEX, SLV & Other Silver ETF's?

August 9, 2019 / Chris Marcus

With gold & silver spiking and reports of massive demand, let's see if demand is overwhelming supply at the COMEX & Chris Marcus via Arcadia Economics with Harvey OrganWith gold and silver spiking, amid reports of massive amounts of demand into SLV and the other silver ETF's, Harvey Organ was kind enough to join me on the show to share what he's seeing inside the COMEX.Harvey talks about...Read More

Lior Gantz - Many Reasons To Be Bullish For Silver

August 9, 2019 / Patrick V.

There are many reasons to be bullish for silver. Lior breaks them down, and he shares the silver price he'd sell his stack Patrick V. via SBTV with Lior GantzReturning SBTV guest, Lior Gantz, shares with us the many reasons to buy silver. Silver is the only commodity (amongst top 30 commodities in the world) that is far below its all time highs.Discussed in this interview:06:05 Investment...Read More

Down To The Wire: Cartel Barely Keeps The Silver Market From Blowing-Up On Them

August 9, 2019 / Paul “Half Dollar” Eberhart

SD Friday Wrap: The cartel cut just the right wire at just the right time in order to avoid total catastrophe...Gold is looking very strong right now.Silver?You can feel it.Silver is performing very strong as well, even if silver's strength is not yet reflected in silver's current "price".Check out the break-out from major resistance on silver's weekly chart:That's the 200-week moving average, and...Read More

Harvey Organ: HUGE Trading Volume In Silver, EXPECT MASSIVE MARGIN CALLS

August 8, 2019 / Harvey Organ

With silver up $0.74 on the day, Harvey has an important update on what's happening with gold & silver on the Harvey Organ of Harvey Organ BlogGOLD:$1503.00 UP $31.00(COMEX TO COMEX CLOSING Silver: $17.18 UP 74 CENTS (COMEX TO COMEX CLOSING)/ Closing access prices: Gold : $1501.65 silver: $17.11today, gold broke through $1500.00 and silver s...Read More

Cartel's Last Stand Against The $17 Price As Silver Goes On The Offensive

August 7, 2019 / ask them in the chat during our live-stream, linked here

SD Midweek Update: Shifting its focus to silver, the cartel is making its last stand in The Battle For Seventeen...Editor's Note: In addition to all of the fast-paced news to discuss in today's live-stream at 12:00 p.m. EST, please know that I have lived in El Paso, Texas for many years, I was a soldier in the US Army stationed at Fort Bliss, and I have been to that Walmart and Cielo Vista Mall fo...Read More

Ted Butler: Position Limits On Silver

August 6, 2019 / Ted Butler

They've gotten away with decades of depressing the price and nothing will save them should the CFTC disallow them from continuing to Ted Butler via Silver SeekThe newly-installed chairman of the CFTC, Dr. Heath Tarbert, in office for only two weeks, submitted an op-ed to Fox Business News the other day, in which he laid out his goals for the agency. Dr. Tarbert comes to the agency wi...Read More

Don't Sweat the Post-FOMC Reaction: Silver Could Rally Well Above $30 Over A Short Period Of Time

August 4, 2019 / Chris Vermeulen

Chris Vermeulen says gold & silver are setting-up to be some of the best trades he's seen in a very long time... by Chris Vermeulen of The Technical TradersOn July 31, 2019, the US Federal Reserve decreased the Federal Funds Rate (FFR) by 25 basis points. We believe the US Fed was pushed to take this action for three reasons that are directly related to the fear and greed that is abundant in th...Read More

Silver Bull Markets Past & Future | Jeffrey Christian, CPM Group

August 3, 2019 / Jeffrey Christian

Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | Android | Email | Stitcher | RSSMetals & Markets: Jeffrey returns to the show, and he brought with him his excellent silver experience and a whole lot more...Jeffrey Christian, Managing Partner of CPM Group, interviewed by James Anderson of SD BullionIn a week in which the Federal Reserve had to cut interest rates by 25 basis points...Read More

Gold & Silver Sell-Off As Govt Reports 164,000 Jobs Were Created In July, 2019

August 2, 2019 / from Econoday

The knee-jerk reaction is a lot of "selling", but what effects will today's jobs report have on the markets, gold & silver? The BLS Jobs Report, formally known as the Employment Situation Report, was just released.Prior to the release, here were the consensus estimates from Econoday:Here are the actual numbers as reported by the BLS:Number of jobs created in the month of May, 2019: 164,000Unemp...Read More

Harvey Organ: We're Out Of The Liquidation Phase For Gold, Into The Accumulation Phase For Silver

August 2, 2019 / Harvey Organ

Those standing for delivery are getting bypassed by dealers desperate for whatever silver they can get their hands on. Here's Harvey Organ of Harvey Organ BlogAUGUST 1/WHAT A DAY!!//GOLD AND SILVER REVERSE ON TRUMP TARIFFS ON CHINA!//GOLD DOWN $4.95 TO $1420.50 (COMEX TO COMEX) AND SILVER IS DOWN 23 CENTS TO $16.17//IN ACCESS MARKET TRADING: GOLD LAST AT $1443//SILVER AT $/CHINA THREATENI...Read More

Eric Sprott: Why Silver Will Be The "Star Of The Show"

August 2, 2019 / Eric Sprott

Silver is under-performing gold, but it won't be for long...Eric Sprott interviewed by Craig Hemke on The Weekly Wrap-UpAugust 2, 2019It's been a great week so far, with the FOMC meeting and U.S. jobs report both proving good for gold. But what about silver? Eric Sprott returns to break down all the gold and silver news you need, including:What the weak U.S. jobs report means for precious metalsWh...Read More

Sunday Night Price Gap-Up Coming? Silver Lags As Gold Hits Fresh Multi-Year Highs This Week

August 2, 2019 / on Wednesday during our live show

SD Friday Wrap: Don't be surprised to see a gap-up in the silver price on Sunday. There's a very specific reason why it could just happen...*****Editor's Note: These charts were set-up shortly after 12:00 p.m. EST on Friday, August 2nd, 2019.*****You wouldn't know it if you weren't a chart watcher, but gold hit multi-year highs at 6:00 p.m. EST on Thursday evening:Of course, pressure was applied t...Read More

If You Blinked, You Missed It: Is This Why The Silver Price Traded Down To $15 This Morning?

August 1, 2019 / the Tweet

This one simple reason may explain why silver was steadily "sold" overnight and into this morning...UPDATE: This post was originally titled "Opportunity Knocks: Smart Money Investors Look To 'Buy The Dip' As Silver Price Falls To $15".Is this post already out of date?Here are gold & silver's intra-day charts, at 2:24 p.m. EST:Why is this happening?In my opinion, the cartel knew the Tweet was comi...Read More

Short Squeeze Coming? A Preview Of The Silver Market For The Month Of August

August 1, 2019 / Chris Marcus

Are we at increased risk for a short-term sell-off, or is a short squeeze coming? Here's the outlook for silver in the month of Chris Marcus via Arcadia EconomicsDisclaimer: This report contains strategies that could be risky for certain investors and is presented as research for further investigation. As always, you are trading and committing capital at your own riskCurrent Silver Mar...Read More

Hugo Salinas Price: The 'Liberty' Silver Ounce - Its Origin And Its Future

July 31, 2019 / Hugo Salinas Price

When the Liberty Ounce is turned into money, its monetary value will not fall with falls in the price of silver bullion; its monetary value willby Hugo Salinas Price via PlataORIGIN OF THE "LIBERTY" SILVER OUNCEDon Jose Lopez Portillo became President of Mexico in 1976.In 1981, President of Mexico Lopez Portillo ordered the creation of a silver-ounce coin, the "Liberty Ounce", whose weight was t...Read More

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