Hang on tight!by Bix Weir of Road to RootaVolumes on SLV are starting to spike again just like they did on Jan 27th before the "Big Silver Squeeze" weekend! Today should have DOUBLE THE SHARE VOLUME based off the 65 day average...hang on tight as the COMEX Deliveries look to OVERWHELM the Silver Cabal AGAIN! Read More
Talk about changing the rules or moving the goalposts!by Jason Burack of Wall St For Main StThe Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee (GATA) found out on Sunday night that the SLV recently changed their prospectus (again) on February 8th without telling anyone about the changes.Talk about changing the rules or moving the goalposts!FULL SHOW NOTES AND LINKS HERECommit to tipping us monthly for our hard...Read More
It is almost 100% certain that SLV is not even close to being fully backed by silver for which SLV holds title...by Dave Kranzler of Investment Research DynamicsCNBC interviewed Goldman Sachs' Jeff Currie - the head of global commodity research at GS - regarding the potential for the silver market to be squeezed. In the segment Currie made the argument that on the Comex: "the shorts are the ETF...Read More
Is the Cartel prepared to lose its grip on silver in the very near future, or is the Cartel about to bear down on silver with one more shellacking?(by Half Dollar) I like silver more than I like cars and trucks.I'd rather not talk about my silver stack, however, because quite frankly, it's super tiny and very humble, and now that I think about it, by golly, I can't even remember what kind of silve...Read More
They're questioning everything...by David Morgan of The Morgan ReportSilver and the Silverbacks | https://www.themorganreport.comWatch this video on Silver and the Silverbacks, then please share with your friends and family on social media and use the caption: Silver and the Silverbacks.Let My Passion Create Your Wealth.I've Been Helping My Subscribers Weather the Current Economic Mess. Now I Inv...Read More
What happens next is all up to the physical buyers...by J. Johnson via JS MinesetGreat and Wonderful Monday Morning Folks, It's our President's Day Holiday for most, yet money rarely sleeps, with April Gold down $2.70 with the trade at $1,820.80 recovering from the low of $1,815.50 with the high at $1,827.10. Silver is not following protocol with the trade at $27.69, up 36.2 cents from t...Read More
There are only two obvious scenarios in the short-term. The bullish scenario is that we...by David Brady via Sprott MoneyPaper Silver hit a short-term blow-off top at 30.35 last week, its highest level since February 2013. Then it fell 15% in just three days, back to the pivot level of 26. Since that knockdown, Silver has bounced-or more appropriately, crawled-its way back up to 27.87, now key res...Read More
Our Reddit activist friends can cause a lot of volatility and without question can influence a...by Richard HorswillThe Devils metal stirsThe "short squeeze" has become mainstream news since the Reddit retail investment community chat room found the hedge fund community wanting. Over confidence and over leverage did for Melvin Capital who were then bailed out by another hedge fund, Citadel, to the...Read More
All indications suggest that silver should now be refreshed for a sustainable physically-driven catch-up rally into the thirties, at least...Samuel Briggs via KinesisSamuel Briggs via Kinesis MoneyAndrew Maguire reports insiders' pushback against Reddit silver traders defended by an unknown market entity:Watch this week's Live from the Vault for:Watch out COMEX Wall Street Silver are coming: 1:33?...Read More
Murphy wants to know if he can sponsor this article? He keeps jumping up and down, hootin' & hollerin' something about some stinkin' law!(by Half Dollar) I know, right?Silver's technical indicator can't be wrong, and it's telling us that silver is about to rocket launch to unfathomable heights!And the squeeze is on!Everybody sees it, everybody knows it, and everybody agrees!Everybody, well, except...Read More
Something BIG CHANGED in the silver market.. by Steve St Angelo of SRSrocco ReportWith investment demand for Silver Eagles continuing to be very strong, the U.S. Mint sold nearly 7 million of the official coins in the first six weeks of the new year. Even Gold Eagles' sales hit a new record in January, pushing premiums up to $150+ for the one-ounce 2021 official coin. I believe we are going t...Read More
If silver really is that important to...(by Half Dollar) "Fear porn".They say that's what I write.And they also say I'm not very good at it, and you know you've just gotta believe 'em, because they're so normal, so mainstream, yet still, all things considered, which isn't even really all that much, I guess that would make me like a "Fear Porn Star", and so now, I finally get it.Meh.Doesn't matter....Read More
If you are looking for a reason why silver was capped at $30 and declined...The latest from Ted Butler, via Silver SeekIn the latest Commitment of Traders report (COT), the issue I have nearly beaten to death for decades - the concentrated short position in COMEX silver futures - took center stage to a degree that had me check and recheck the data. It seems the 4 largest shorts in COMEX silver dou...Read More
Of all of the things that could have possibly happened today, who would have guessed that Jamie Dimon would be meeting with Joe Biden?!by Chris Marcus of Arcadia EconomicsJamie Dimon (JP Morgan) is meeting with Joe Biden todayOf all of the things that could have possibly happened today, who would have guessed that JP Morgan CEO Jamie Dimon would be meeting with Joe Biden?! Read More
The minimum target for silver is $21.81, but expect a drop even lower to...by Captain Ewave of CaptainEwaveCaptain EwaveGold, Silver & Oil: Price Reaction PlaybookEmail: [email protected]Website: www.captainewave.comCrude Oil:We continue to rally sharply higher in wave (iii), which the following longer term projected endpoint:(iii) = 1.618(i) = 93.96. It now looks like wave $i$ of (iii) is exte...Read More
A range trade is likely for now in silver...by Morris Hubbartt Super Force SignalsA Leading Market Timing ServiceWe Take Every Trade Ourselves!Email: [email protected][email protected]Here are today's videos and charts. The videos are viewable on mobile phones as well as computers. Double-click to enlarge the charts.SGS Key Charts, Signals, & Video AnalysisSuper Force Signals (SFS) is being reb...Read More
"From a technical analysis perspective, negative divergences had also become clear on the daily and weekly charts in Silver..."by David Brady via Sprott MoneySilver completed a blow-off top on February 1 at a higher high of 30.35. At the very least, this was a great learning experience for many people, especially those new to the precious metals space. It certainly put Silver front and center in t...Read More
Although the market swell of Reddit's leveraged traders has subsided, this week's action will have a lasting impact on the silver market. With the global...Samuel Briggs via KinesisAndrew Maguire explores the long term impact of the 'Silver Short Squeeze' phenomenon on the silver markets:Watch this week's Live from the Vault for:Impact on gold and silver markets: 05:31?EUR
For the sake of the so-called "silver squeeze", investors better hope the charts actually matter this time, and that the Cartel is stark raving mad...(by Half Dollar) If you were looking for some pats on the back, maybe a high-five, a fist-rocking chanting of "silver squeeze, silver squeeze, silver squeeze", and perhaps even a stinkin' participation trophy, well, what can I say?Get over it.The cha...Read More