Silver Articles

Why can't SLV source enough silver?

February 26, 2021 / Staff reporter

The availability of silver is not the cause of the issue. It's the availability of silver at current prices...Samuel Briggs via KinesisWhy can't SLV source enough silver?Andrew Maguire explains why SLV can't source enough silver bars to meet demand.How will Basel III affect the COMEX?: 02:23?EURRead More

The Physical Squeeze in Silver is Still Alive and Well

February 26, 2021 / Staff reporter

Soaking up physical...By Matt from Silver Fortune via Silver FortunePSLV is soaking up physical. Read More

Silver's Overall Open Interest Proves Another Round Of Liquidity Had To Be Added

February 25, 2021 / Staff reporter

"...a gain of 1,880 contracts as we wait, till their game of "low price and no product" reaches its peak."by J. Johnson via JS MinesetGreat and Wonderful Thursday Morning Folks, The February Deliveries are over, with a day's rest before the next, with Gold down $13.10 with the trade at $1,784.80, near the London low of $1,779.70 with the high at $1,805 so far today. Silver is trading i...Read More

Reddit (Silver Sub Groups) Impacting the Silver Market?

February 25, 2021 / Staff reporter

New increased silver demand did push the silver price up to around $30 and no doubt it is likely some new Reddit silver Larry White of the Gold & Silver Education CenterIn early February 2021, silver made a lot news headlines. The so called "Reddit Crowd" had managed to run up the price of GameStop stock in a coordinated effort to force a short squeeze. This prompted all kinds of me...Read More

The Elephant In The Room The Silver Squeeze Crowd Ignores When It Comes To Their Favorite Silver ETF

February 25, 2021 / Staff reporter

There are many, many elephants in the room, actually...(by Half Dollar) There are many elephants in the room when it comes to the silver ETFs.First and foremost, the Silver Squeezers have taken to Wall Street to "break the chains of manipulation", for lack of a better term, but quite frankly, how in the heck does one end the manipulation when one is simply handing over dollars to the rigged casino...Read More

Silver Is Sticky Money

February 25, 2021 / Staff reporter

Silver futures prices at such low levels versus physical prices are unsustainable. This gap will undoubtedly close. That will happen Peter Krauth via Streetwise ReportsMany don't realize, but silver is considered to have been the first metal to serve as currency.Could silver one day regain its role as money? Perhaps. It's widely accepted that gold was used as money by Lydian merchants ar...Read More

A Modest Proposal For Price Discovery In The Silver Market

February 24, 2021 / Staff reporter

We know that price discovery is impossible until the paper exchanges in NYC and London blow up. Or is it?by Dave Kranzler of Investment Research DynamicsWe know that price discovery is impossible until the paper exchanges in NYC and London blow up. Or is it?There's plenty of above-ground silver around the world. Yes most of it is "spoken for" by the owners of that silver. Silver producers can't p...Read More

Ahead of March COMEX Silver Deliveries

February 24, 2021 / Staff reporter

The likelihood of a "COMEX collapse" in March is extremely low. If you are going around hanging your hopes on this one-time event occurring within... by Craig Hemke via Sprott Money NewsAs is often the case, there is a lot of hype regarding the impact the #SilverSqueeze movement might have on the delivery process at COMEX in March. The purpose of this post is not to discourage you, but instead br...Read More

Silver "Spoofed" Below $28 Strike Price With Large Option Position

February 23, 2021 / Staff reporter

With less than one day Chris Marcus of Arcadia EconomicsWith less than one day left in what some long-time silver veterans are calling the most important COMEX options expiration and delivery period in silver history, the price appears to have been "spoofed" to right under the $28 level.Of course the significance of the $28 level is tied to the COMEX silver options board, where there is...Read More

Silver Price Up Over 2.5% Yet MASSIVE Inventory LeavesThe SLV?

February 23, 2021 / Staff reporter


The Next Move For Gold & Silver? Follow These Two Things To Find Out

February 22, 2021 / Staff reporter

"...suggests that Silver is congesting in a new momentum base and should begin an explosive upside price rally - comparable to..."by Chris Vermeulen of The Technical TradersGold continues to wallow near its recent low price level, near $1765. Silver has continued to trend moderately higher - but still has not broken out to the upside. Many analysts have continued to estimate when and how metal...Read More

What A Week This May Be In Silver!

February 22, 2021 / Staff reporter

A few days to go before we find out how much silver is really J. Johnson via JS MinesetGreat and Wonderful Monday Morning Folks, It's the day before our precious metals options for March come off the board and Gold is totally ignoring it (for now) with the trade up $17.50 at $1,794.90 and right close to the high at $1,797.70 with the low at $1,778.60. Silver is doing the sa...Read More

Is Silver The Next Palladium?

February 21, 2021 / Staff reporter

Palladium was manipulated for years. It had the largest short position relative to its size, while physical demand rose inversely David Morgan of The Morgan ReportPalladium was manipulated for years. It had the largest short position relative to its size, while physical demand rose inversely to decreasing supply. Could Silver be next?Watch this video on Is Silver the next Palladium, then p...Read More

What you're not being told about silver right now

February 19, 2021 / Staff reporter

The signs that the breakpoint is nearing continue to emerge at a rapidly accelerating Chris Marcus of Arcadia EconomicsWhat you're not being told about #silver right nowI like to think that I can understand and associate with the frustration in the silver community over having seen the price manipulation go on for so long.Yet while some have waited for as long as 41 years, the signs that...Read More

Silver Price is About to Blow Sky High

February 18, 2021 / Staff reporter

If the sleeping giants (aka the industrial users of silver) awaken to what is happening, they will want to buy everything available, making the...Ed Steer on Palisades Gold RadioTom welcomes Ed Steer to the show, Ed writes a weekly subscriber column on the gold and silver markets. He brings us a bombshell overview of what is happening in the metals market.To subscribe to our newsletter and get not...Read More

The iShares Silver "Trust" SLV Is Likely A Fraud

February 17, 2021 / Staff reporter

"Sophisticated" investors have been led to believe that SLV is a de facto investment in silver. And now we know that SLV is an "investment" Dave Kranzler of Investment Research DynamicsThose of us who read the original filings for both GLD and SLV were shocked that the Prospectus for each was certified by the SEC. The legal loopholes embedded in the legalese were wide enough to drive a fle...Read More

Expect A Record Amount Of Silver Futures Contracts To Be Delivered

February 17, 2021 / Staff reporter

A record amount of silver taken delivery of at the next silver futures delivery date thereby exacerbates the current silver squeeze...Chris Vermeulen interviewed by Patrick V. via SBTVWe are joined on Metal Money by Chris Vermeulen, founder of Technical Traders Ltd. Chris expects a record amount of silver to be taken delivery of at the next silver futures delivery date thereby exacerbating the cur...Read More

A Silver Price Manipulation Primer

February 17, 2021 / Staff reporter

If you view the price charts from the perspective of a bullion bank trader, then you can see where technical analysis is used against you... by Craig Hemke via Sprott Money NewsIt has been a long ten years, but it seems that the investing world is finally beginning to realize that the globally-recognized prices of gold and silver are managed and manipulated by the Bullion Banks, which operate as...Read More


February 17, 2021 / Staff reporter

With massive gains over the past year and millions hoarding silver, it appears that we are witnessing the slow fade away of silver manipulation...Michael Romanik with Josh Sigurdson via World Alternative MediaJosh Sigurdson talks with Michael Romanik, CEO of Silver Dollar Resources about the potential for a booming silver market in the near future as millions start to take a second look at silver...Read More

Silver Will Outperform Gold, Says LBMA Survey

February 17, 2021 / Staff reporter

Silver is expected to be the best performing precious metal this year. Its average price is expected to be $28.50 in 2021, Arkadiusz Sieron of Sunshine ProfitsGains are in the forecast for all the precious metals this year, and silver is believed to be the star of the show.The London Bullion Market Association (LBMA) has just published its annual precious metals forecast survey. In gener...Read More

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