The small fish are fighting back, and the big fish have good reasons to be quite Michael Snyder of The Economic Collapse BlogFor decades, the big fish on Wall Street have been able to do virtually anything that they want, but now the small fish are fighting back and it has been a beautiful thing to watch. Finally it is payback time, and the losses have been absolutely staggering. I...Read More
Blinded by greed, many so-called gold & silver "advocates" think they can end the manipulation by feeding the Beast. It doesn't work that way...(by Half Dollar) I think the Cartel is about to take silver behind the woodshed, and, by extension, take some otherwise smart people to the cleaners.That is to say, otherwise smart people think they're about to get rich quick in silver, but it doesn't work...Read More
The SEC has just released a statement on the recent market volatility. Will the SEC, or the CFTC, be forced to open the can of worms that is silver?(by Half Dollar) The government can only ever do one of two things: It can get in the way, or it can get out of the way.That's pretty much it.And when it comes to agencies like the CFTC, or the SEC, well, they pretty much only ever get in the way, and...Read More
This is NOT about price! This is about EXPOSURE of the 4 Massive Silver Shorts! Hang on tight as the Bix Weir of Road to RootaI've been fighting the Silver Battle for over 20 years and we have NEVER had this kind of EXPOSURE to the SILVER MANIPULATION fraud as we have seen over the past 48 hours. This is NOT about price...this is about EXPOSURE of the 4 Massive Silver Shorts! Hang on...Read More
Where do silver and the economy look to be heading, from a technical view?Patrick Karim interviewed by by Patrick V. via SBTVPatrick Karim: Silver's Mega Cup and Handle Move Since the 1980s Begging to be FulfilledWe are joined on Metal Money by Patrick Karim, veteran chart trader and founder of The chart pattern that excites Patrick most has been the multi-decade cup and handle move...Read More
Somebody just SHUT DOWN Wall Street Bets on Reddit, and the First Majestic Silver shorts, can you say, "RIP YOUR FACE OFF"!!!!!*****Begin Update 3 (Weds, Jan 27, 7:10ish p.m. EST):My, oh my, oh my!The freakin' Reddit Mods SHUT DOWN Wall Street Bets!Wow:Silver Bugs, Stackers, and other Smart Investors, Family, friends, haters and trolls, understand this saying very, very clearly: "If you don't hold...Read More
It's been nearly a decade since the Global Silver ETF and Exchange Inventories increased by such a large amount in one day. The overwhelming... by Steve St Angelo of SRSrocco ReportGlobal silver investment inventories jumped by a record one-day increase after the large sell-off and the silver price recovery on Tuesday. It's been nearly a decade since the Global Silver ETF and Exchange Invento...Read More
The international currency of choice, the US Dollar, is steady and unwavering, as if nothing will move J. Johnson via JS MinesetGreat and Wonderful Friday Morning Folks, We start the day with a precious metal pullback with Gold down $14.70 with the April contract at $1,854.60, recovering from the London low at $1,848.10 with the high to beat at $1,874.10. Silver is leading the...Read More
Silver is volatile. But if you want to benefit from its big gains, you have to be willing Peter Krauth via Streetwise ReportsThere's no consensus on whether silver is in its second or third secular bull market since the 1970s. That's because people define bull markets in different ways.But as I'll show you, it's not that important.What we do know is that silver enjoyed a huge bull market f...Read More
Is silver too expensive? And expensive, relative to what?By Matt from Silver Fortune via Silver FortuneIs silver too expensive? And expensive, relative to what? Read More
In late November, silver was trading at $22. By January 6th, it reached $27.80, gaining an impressive 26% over just six weeks. Is this silver rally over?by Peter Krauth via Streetwise ReportsSilver just dropped about 10% in three trading days, and some are freaking out.I say just relax...and buy the dip.In late November, silver was trading at $22. By January 6th, it reached $27.80, gaining an impr...Read More
Silver's punch was far more J. Johnson via JS MinesetGreat and Wonderful Friday Morning Folks, Gold reached close to, then up to $1,856.60 then was pelted back (both times) with London doing what it always does, slamming the prices before Comex opened with the trade now at $1,847.90, down $3.50 after creating a new low of $1,844.10. Silver's punch was far more noticeabl...Read More
No need to speculate on how a "new" Biden Administration will treat gold & silver. We already saw it from 2008 to 2016 Bix Weir of Road to RootaNo need to speculate on how a new Biden Administration will treat the precious metals market...we already saw it from 2008 to 2016 when Joe was Vice President. Biden has now selected the SAME TEAM that allowed silver market rigging to run rampant...Read More
Sales for the first two weeks in January accounts for 7% of the average monthly global silver mine supply. That's a lot of silver demand, considering the... by Steve St Angelo of SRSrocco ReportWith the continued disintegration of the economic and financial system in 2021, investment demand for physical precious metals continues to be strong. After the U.S. Mint posted a stunning 2.7 million Si...Read More
Technical analysis shows targets of $31.30 and $ Chris Vermeulen of The Technical TradersChris Vermeulen, founder of Technical Traders Ltd. joins Patrick Vierra on Silver Bullion TV's Metal Money show to discuss the price charts of Silver and Gold for 2021. Chris's application of Fibonacci extensions and technical analysis shows a first upside target for Silver of $31.30 with the 2nd target...Read More
This next move could easily be eightfold, and silver is now poised to outperform gold...Technical analyst Michael Oliver has just been interviewed on Palisades Gold Radio.From the show notes (bold added for emphasis):Since mid-2018, gold has gone from $1160 to $2000 and has done so without the help of weak stock markets. Now the dollar is turning downwards while markets are at highs. Big investors...Read More
Yikes!(by Half Dollar) A couple of weeks ago, I was speaking with Steve St. Angelo, and we were discussing, among many things, investment demand for physical silver.Not that phony paper silver ETF crap, for I'm talking about the real, shiny phyzz.That discussion can be seen on YouTube here:I bring up that video because Steve shares a chart (around minute 35 or 36) which shows that silver investmen...Read More
Is inflation running hot, and will silver be able to reclaim $25?(by Half Dollar) There is a lot of inflation data coming out this week, and we also get the December Retail Sales Report on Friday.Some of the reports in the week ahead include, in chronological order of release:Consumer Price Index (Inflation)Jobless Claims*Producer Price Index (Inflation)December Retail SalesIndustrial Production (...Read More
Today's environment of excessive money printing and debt creation is an excellent time for silver to outperform. When contrasted with the...David Morgan on Palisades Gold RadioTom welcomes back a man who needs no introduction, the silver Guru David Morgan himself. David discusses the saying, "90% of the move comes in the last 10% of the time." and why that seems to ring true.Physical demand in 202...Read More
Demand for precious metals continues to be strong even though we see NOISE BLEED price levels for Bitcoin... by Steve St Angelo of SRSrocco ReportWith the Fed and central banks pumping up the markets with a record amount of money printing, liquidity, and stimulus, investor demand for precious metals continues to be very strong. In the first week of 2021, the U.S. Mint sold 2.7 million Silver Ea...Read More