SD Midweek. There are plenty of fundamental and technical reasons to be bullish on gold & silver right now. Here are the details... The gold to silver ratio is clearly rolling over:However, it still takes over 80 ounces of silver to buy just one single ounce of gold. For the long-term, historically speaking, the ratio is still favoring silver.Will gold & silver be able to pull off something they...Read More
CLICK ON CHART TO ENLARGEIs Silver creating a double bottom and breaking above key resistance levels? Could be!This 3-pack looks at Silver at three different time frames. The left chart looks at Silver on a "Monthly" basis since late 1970's. The middle chart looks at Silver on a "Weekly basis" over the past three years and the right chart looks at Silver on a "Daily basis" for the past 6-months.Th...Read More
Bix says there has NEVER been a better set-up for a silver moonshot than now, and as soon as this happens, there will be NO PAPER SELLERS of Bix Weir from Road to RootaNEVER A BETTER SETUP FOR A SILVER MOONSHOT! There will be NO SELLERS as soon at the Technical price thresholds are hit to the upside and the Tech Traders are short 500 Million ounces of electronic silver...WOW!! Read More
There's a very powerful floor under the silver price. Inflation is a big part of that floor, but inflation isn't the only thing putting a floor under Stewart Thomson of Graceland UpdatesOctober 2, 2018The demand-side drivers of the gold price are the Western fear trade and the Eastern love trade. The fear trade has languished in recent years, leaving the love trade to do the "heavy...Read More
Demand for American Silver Eagles spiked again at the end of September. Steve St. Angelo breaks down the numbers for Steve St Angelo of SRSrocco ReportDemand for the U.S. Mint Silver Eagles spiked again at the end of the September pushing sales nearly to three million. In a little more than a week, Silver Eagle sales jumped from 1.9 million to 2.9 million, nearly doubling from the previous...Read More
Here's the case that silver is not the new cool kid in the neighborhood after Friday's move, but rather, Friday's move in silver is very bearish. Here's Przemyslaw Radomski of Sunshine ProfitsRallying mining stocks? Forget about them. Silver is the new cool kid in the neighborhood. Having rallied by almost 50 cents in just one day, silver stole the spotlight and seems to be ready to move...Read More
Peter KrauthWhile gold continues to struggle to find a catalyst, the price of silver made a notable move this week.Silver prices are up almost 2% in the past week and nearly 3% in the last two weeks.And that's despite the dollar index being up over 100 basis points, or nearly 1%.The most logical explanation is that weak hands are mostly done selling and bargain hunters have decided to step in.Whil...Read More
It's the first time that JPM is long both physical silver and paper silver. Ted explains why this could mean a massive move up in the silver price...Ted Butler interviewed on Reluctant PreppersAlready hoarding a world-record 750 million ounces of physical silver, JPM has managed to accumulate another 21+million ounces in just the past 6 weeks. This amassing of physical was further accompanied by s...Read More
Ted says there is no disconnect at all between the metals and the fundamentals, but rather, the price discovery process is completely distorted. Here's Ted Butler of Butler ResearchSometimes things that are obvious truths can appear before us that we have trouble seeing; along the lines of being too close to the trees to see the forest. It's not that we can't see what's directly in front...Read More
SD Friday Wrap: A subtle uptrend no more. Silver finishes the week strong and looking pretty fine right about now. Here's a recap...On Monday I was looking for higher prices in gold & silver to end the week.Silver ended the week with a nice move, but gold has lagged and failed to regain the "psychologically important" level of $1200.So here's what the "experts" are going to say about this (this is...Read More
Bix says "hold on tight" because today the signed agreement between JP Morgan and the US Government to rig the silver price ends! Here's Bix Weir of Road to RootaWow! Today is the LAST day of the Fiscal Year of the United States. I believe, it is also the LAST day that the US Government is guaranteeing JP Morgan's silver short position...which is has now closed out! Hold on tight! Read More
CLICK ON CHART TO ENLARGEThis chart from looks at the positions by Silver hedgers. At this time a very crowded trade is in play, an 18-year extreme. If history is a guide, Silver is currently closer to a short-term low than a high.Silver, Gold and Mining stocks have not had much fun this year, as all have declined a large percentage. The declines in Silver and the SLV/GLD ratio...Read More
What effects can the mid-term elections have on gold & silver? What other critical factors are headed the precious metals' way? Here's some insight...Matt from Silver Fortune interviewed on Reluctant PreppersMatt, the editor of the SilverFortune YouTube Channel returns to Reluctant Preppers to discuss:* Emerging Markets - Poised to spark global financial contagion, or do they offer us a glimpse of...Read More
Harvey says in the last 4 days queue jumping has resumed in earnest because somebody wants their physical silver immediately after first day Harvey Organ of Harvey Organ BlogSEPT 24/GOLD UP $3.20 TO $1200.00/SILVER DOWN ONCE CENT TO $14.30/RUSSIA INCREASES ITS RESERVES BY 31.1 TONNES (20 TONNES FROM THEIR OWN PRODUCTION AND 11 TONNES OF IMPORTED GOLD/SINGAPORE ADDS 12 TONNES AND SURPRI...Read More
Peter KrauthSilver price action this week, though muted, has shown some slight bullishness.With gold essentially flat, the price of silver has managed to gain nearly 1.5% as it rises from price and sentiment lows.The other thing that may be motivating silver buyers is the extreme level of the gold-to-silver ratio.Since recently bumping up against 85, a level not seen in over 25 years, the ratio ha...Read More
Matt from Silver Fortune shares his analysis on where he thinks gold and silver are headed as we enter the home stretch of Matt from Silver Fortune via Silver FortuneAs September comes to an end, we end the third quarter of 2018. What does the fourth quarter have in store for gold and silver? Here's Matt from Silver Fortune offering his insight on where he thinks the metals are headed in...Read More
Bix is confident the take-down of the Deep State, including the end of the silver manipulation, happens in 2018, and maybe even this week. Here's Bix Weir from Road To RootaBix is back with a very important update on the latest happenings in the battle of good vs evil.Bix says this week will be especially important as the fiscal year for the United States ends, and with it, the free pass...Read More
Matt from Silver Fortune explains why we are in the twilight stage of this central banking monetary experiment, and what it means going Matt from Silver Fortune via Silver FortuneThis is why I believe we're nearing the end of the Fed tightening cycle and global economic expansion.Support Silver Fortune through Patreon: Read More
Harvey says we have some guys who are refusing to be morphed into the London based forwards. They want their physical silver! Here's an Harvey Organ of Harvey Organ BlogSEPT 20/GOLD UP $2.80 TO $1206.70 WITH SILVER UP 3 CENTS TO $14.29/A MASSIVE 6.4 MILLION OZ OF PHYSICAL QUEUE JUMPING AT THE SILVER COMEX/DEMARK'S WHOLLY OWNED DANSK BANK IN ESTONIA REVEALS THAT MONEY LAUNDERING AMOUNTE...Read More
In an ongoing debate with Chris Powell about where the focus should be with regards to the silver manipulation, Ted Butler offers a Ted Butler of Butler ResearchShortly after I posted publicly last week's article, "Is the COT Report Still Valid?," commentary on my article was posted by Chris Powell, from GATA, suggesting that I consider the possibility that JPMorgan may be operati...Read More