Silver Articles

Silver Price Forecast Ending 2018 Into 2019: These Indicators Are Predicting New All-Time Highs

August 29, 2018 / Hubert Moolman

A very reliable indicator is showing that conditions are ripe for silver to hit new all-time highs. Here are the Hubert Moolman of HubertMoolman.wordpress.comSilver Price Forecast 2019/2018: These Indicators Are Predicting New All-time High Silver PricesThe Dow/Gold ratio is a very reliable measure for where we are on the long-term economic timetable. It allows for an accurate reading...Read More

Let's Face It: Silver Is Not Cool

August 29, 2018 / Matt from Silver Fortune

Nobody thinks silver is "cool", at least not right now, but the white metal is destined to make a comeback, and in a big way. Here's Matt from Silver Fortune via Silver FortuneFace it, silver is not cool. Or at least, it's not seen as being cool, here in the West, in this period of history. But to silver owners, that doesn't matter. What matters is that with silver, we can build wealth fo...Read More

BBC Video Tours The London Silver Vaults But The Queen Is Nowhere To Be Found

August 29, 2018 / Chris Powell

We all remember the pics of the Queen in the BOE's gold vault, but she's nowhere in this video. Tour the London Silver Vaults right Chris Powell of The Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee (GATA)Dear Friend of GATA and Gold:The British Broadcasting Corp. this week broadcast a video tour of the silver vaults under Chancery Lane in London, which, it said, "contain the largest retail collection...Read More

This Is It: Silver "Washout Bottom" | David Morgan

August 29, 2018 / David Morgan

Podcast: Play in new window | DownloadSubscribe: Apple Podcasts | Android | Email | Stitcher | RSSAfter the recent "washout bottom" in silver, David Morgan tells Silver Doctors he believes the bottom is in. Here's an update...David Morgan of The Morgan Report interviewed by Elijah JohnsonHe thinks gold has hit a low as well.The commercial and speculative short positions seem to show a lot of inter...Read More

Bix Weir: Silver Is Ready. Commence Countdown. 5-4-3-2-1...BLASTOFF!

August 29, 2018 / Bix Weir

Bix says that after 150 years of silver price suppression, the set-up has never been better. Here's Bix Weir from Road to RootaThe setup for the destruction of silver market manipulation has never been better and 150 years of price suppression does NOT end with a Whimper...but a BANG! Read More

SILVER PRICE ALERT: Brand New Evidence The Most Epic Short Squeeze Could Be IMMINENT

August 28, 2018 / Click on this link to go to CME Group to download the PDF

We're not talking COT Report or sentiment. We're talking margin calls and forced liquidations, this week! Here are the details...Stay with me.This is important.The math is easy, and this is potentially huge news.But first, a little background is critical for those who don't understand how this works -Paper silver futures traders have seen steadily decreasing margin requirements since last December...Read More

The Price of Silver Is Rallying, and It's Just the Start

August 28, 2018 / Peter Krauth

Peter KrauthAfter an initial bounce from its recent lows, the price of silver has been performing well this week.Although silver prices did initially plateau and then retreat again last week, the metal formed a higher low, which bodes well for near-term action.Last week, I told you that silver's bounce had been timid but conditions were ripe for a strong rally.Since then, silver's renewed climb ha...Read More

India Is Buying Silver At A BREAKNECK Pace

August 27, 2018 / Matt from Silver Fortune

While the rest of the world seems to have taken a breather from buying more silver, not India. Here are the Matt from Silver Fortune via Silver FortuneWhile the rest of the world seems to be taking a breather from buying more and more silver, India continues to stack at a very rapid pace. Read More

After Such Depressed Volatility, Is Silver Set For A Massive Break-Out?

August 24, 2018 / GoldCore

Silver has been in a volatility depression with base forming for quite some time, so let's look at the potential for a massive break-out in Stephen Flood of GoldCore- Silver has been basically in a "volatility depression" (see chart)- Volatility has been "slowly decreasing over time ... for years now"- Silver is "forming some sort of base" and "it is due for a massive break out" and th...Read More

US Mint Silver Eagle Sales Jump In August On Lower Prices

August 24, 2018 / Steve St Angelo

Steve St. Angelo shares some good news as he goes over the jump in American Silver Eagle sales at the US Mint. Here are the Steve St Angelo of SRSrocco ReportWell, it looks as if a bit of life has come back into the silver market as U.S. Silver Eagle sales jumped in August due to lower prices. While Silver Eagle sales have fallen over the past few years, if we exclude typical high J...Read More

Gold rallied 30% last time this took place, says Joe Friday

Aug 24, 2018 / Chris Kimble

CLICK ON CHART TO ENLARGEThis chart looks at the current position of "Smart Money Hedgers" from and Gold futures over the past couple of years.In late 2015, smart money hedgers established a big bet, believing that Gold would trader higher. They were correct, as Gold rallied nearly 30% in the next 6-months.Joe Friday Just The Facts Ma'am- Smart money hedgers have established a b...Read More

Gregory Mannarino Issues An Alert: HUGE PAPER SILVER DUMP TODAY

August 23, 2018 / Gregory Mannarino

Greg has caught them in the act with a massive dump of paper silver over the course of thirty minutes. Here are the Gregory Mannarino of Trader's ChoiceGreg has caught them in the act today, and he has the chart to prove it.A huge amount of silver was dumped onto the market over a thirty minute period in the early morning hours.Here's the chart:CAUGHT IN THE ACT! This is a 1Day, 30Min...Read More

Harvey Organ: Silver Has Just Set A New All-Time High In Open Interest

August 23, 2018 / Harvey Organ

Harvey points out something very interesting about silver's price action on the way to setting the all-time record in open interest. Here are the Harvey Organ of Harvey Organ BlogAUGUST 22/GOLD UP $3.45 TO $1196.75 WITH SILVER DOWN ONE CENT TO $14.77: SILVER NOW HAS A RECORD 244,196 OPEN INTEREST BUT NOT PRICE: IT IS AT THE BOTTOM OF THE BARREL/TURKEY DID NOT SELL ANY OF ITS GOLD: THE...Read More

Real Talk: Is JP Morgan Really Amassing A Record Silver Stockpile?

August 23, 2018 / Reluctant Preppers

There are claims that JP Morgan has amassed a massive silver stockpile in order to suppress price. Let's dive into those claims to see what's going on...Matt from Silver Fortune interviewed on Reluctant PreppersWhat's the real deal behind the controversial claims that JPMorgan (reputedly manipulating the silver market for over a century,) has either held or dumped their massive paper short positio...Read More

Bix Weir: Deutsche Bank Has A MAJOR SILVER PROBLEM That Could BLOW UP The Metals Markets!

August 22, 2018 / Check it out here

Bix says Deutsche Bank has a major silver problem and is desperate to bail themselves out, or they risk blowing up the market. Here are the details...Editor's Note: We wrote an extensive crash course on why Deutsche Bank is one of the most dangerous financial institutions in the world. Check it out here for a review, or if you are unfamiliar with the importance of DB in the world of banking, deriv...Read More

Historical Precedence: Here's Why Silver Could Replace The Dollar

August 21, 2018 /

What would it take for silver to be used as official money again, and what would happen to the value of silver if it was? Here is some Hubert Moolman via HubertMoolman.wordpress.comSilver used to be a significant part of the monetary base in many countries. You could find it as part of monetary reserves together with gold, as well as coinage in circulation.Over the years that silver w...Read More

The Price of Silver Is Finally Rebounding This Week

August 21, 2018 / Peter Krauth

Peter KrauthAfter becoming significantly oversold late last week, the price of silver has managed to show some strength.So far, that bounce has been somewhat timid. But conditions are ripe for a strong rally.We may have seen the U.S. dollar peak against its major competitors like the euro, the Japanese yen, and even the Chinese yuan a few days ago.As far as macro concerns go, Turkey is still the b...Read More

VIOLENTLY DIFFERENT: Ted Butler Says The Next Silver Rally Will Be LIKE NEVER BEFORE

August 20, 2018 / Ted Butler

Ted says while previous silver rallies have all been crushed in their run-ups, recent data shows the next rally will be violently different. Here's why...Ted Butler interviewed on Reluctant PreppersUnlike previous rallies in silver prices, which were crushed as they ran up against JP Morgan's position, recent data reveals that for the first time ever, JP Morgan has established an unprecedented pos...Read More

Bill Holter: If They Push The Paper Price Of Silver Down To $9 You'll Still Be Paying $15 Per Ounce

August 20, 2018 / Bill Holter

Bill is back with a critical update on the latest COMEX paper frauds, and Bill explains why a $80,000+ per ounce gold price is needed for the debt reset...Bill Holter interviewed by Sean on SGTreportBill Holter from is back to discuss the blatant manipulation of the price of silver through billions of paper ounces sold into the market by criminal banks. We also discuss the deep state...Read More

The Bottom Is Coming! The Bottom Is Coming! (This Dynamic Says The Bottom Is Already Here)

August 17, 2018 /

SD Friday Wrap: Spot prices may go lower, but trying to time the exact bottom without understanding "premium creep" could prove costly. Here's why...I'm not angry as we finish the week.I'm not upset, and I"m not mad.I'm just in a daze, a haze, and I'm exhausted.It has been one of those emotional roller coaster weeks, and I'm worn out.I did pick up 10 ounces of silver on Wednesday.I hope everybody...Read More

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